Making places that make a difference


7N Architects bring an integrated approach to placemaking. We specialise in generating innovative ideas that deliver simple solutions to complex problems and focus on delivering transformational change by unlocking the full potential of buildings, places and spaces.


Here is a selection of news, views and things that stimulate our thinking.
University of Glasgow wins ‘Place in Progress’ award.
We are delighted that the University of Glasgow’s Western Campus has been recognised as the best ‘Place in Progress’ in the 2024 Pineapple Awards....
Planning Consent at Haymarket Yards
Continuing our run of recent planning successes, we can share that our second workspace project at Haymarket Yards for Stamford Property Holdings Ltd has received approval from The City of Edinburgh Council....
7N Architects' 15th Anniversary Party
Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate our 15th anniversary at 7N Architects. ...


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