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The Big Idea

Outside contributors’ opinions and analysis of the most important issues in politics, science, and culture.

Is it anti-Catholic to ask a Supreme Court nominee how her religion affects her decisions?
The Big Idea

President Trump’s nominee has written about how religious views and judicial views intersect — and sometimes collide.

By Mark Tushnet
Women are filing more harassment claims in the #MeToo era. They’re also facing more retaliation.Women are filing more harassment claims in the #MeToo era. They’re also facing more retaliation.
The Big Idea

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported that sexual harassment complaints rose 13.6 percent last year.

By Alex Press
To solve climate change and biodiversity loss, we need a Global Deal for NatureTo solve climate change and biodiversity loss, we need a Global Deal for Nature

The best way to curb greenhouse gas emissions and remove gases from the atmosphere is by storing carbon in natural ecosystems.

By Greg Asner
Why do we let our kids play tackle football?Why do we let our kids play tackle football?
The Highlight

It will be considered unthinkable 50 years from now.

By Chris Nowinski

The latest in The Big Idea

Is America’s future capitalist or socialist?
The Big Idea

Steve Pearlstein, author of Can American Capitalism Be Saved? and Bhaskar Sunkara, editor of the socialist journal Jacobin, debate.

By Ezra Klein
Online shopping is terrible for the environment. It doesn’t have to be.Online shopping is terrible for the environment. It doesn’t have to be.
The Big Idea

Give your business to companies that promote slower delivery and consolidated shipments.

By Miguel Jaller
Why letting ex-felons vote probably won’t swing FloridaWhy letting ex-felons vote probably won’t swing Florida
The Big Idea

We analyzed ex-felons with voting rights. Their party affiliation is more mixed than you might think.

By Marc Meredith and Michael Morse
Trump’s birthright citizenship proposal, explained by a law professorTrump’s birthright citizenship proposal, explained by a law professor
The Big Idea

The faulty legal logic behind Trump’s birthright citizenship proposal.

By Aziz Huq
Working-class people are underrepresented in politics. The problem isn’t voters.

Our government is run by rich people — and it benefits them the most.

By Dr. Nicholas Carnes
Why labor is a foreign policy issueWhy labor is a foreign policy issue
The Big Idea

Why the world needs a Paris climate agreement for labor to help unions.

By Todd N. Tucker
How to save the Supreme CourtHow to save the Supreme Court
The Big Idea

The Supreme Court faces a legitimacy crisis. Here’s what we can do about it.

By Daniel Epps and Ganesh Sitaraman
Why we need “blue laws,” the religious tradition that sanctifies life outside of workWhy we need “blue laws,” the religious tradition that sanctifies life outside of work
The Big Idea

Religious “blue laws” achieve many of the same goals as progressive labor unions.

By Lyman Stone
Hurricane Florence’s floods caused severe property damage. Here’s a solution.Hurricane Florence’s floods caused severe property damage. Here’s a solution.
The Big Idea

The government has a buyout plan, but it needs to be bigger — and better coordinated.

By Miyuki Hino, Katharine J. Mach, and Christopher B. Field
What’s next for #MeToo? The McDonald’s strikes have an answer.What’s next for #MeToo? The McDonald’s strikes have an answer.
The Big Idea

Workers walked out of McDonald’s restaurants to protest sexual harassment.

By Alex Press
I spoke to hundreds of American men who still can’t find workI spoke to hundreds of American men who still can’t find work

Ten years since the financial crisis and millions of American men aren’t working.

By Andrew L. Yarrow
John McCain’s signature campaign finance law was a real achievement — for its timeJohn McCain’s signature campaign finance law was a real achievement — for its time
The Big Idea

McCain’s work on campaign reform cemented his image as an iconoclast.

By Mark Schmitt
The Pennsylvania Catholic Church report highlights the cruelty of statute of limitations lawsThe Pennsylvania Catholic Church report highlights the cruelty of statute of limitations laws

Why many Catholic Church accusers are legally barred from bringing their case to court.

By Daniel Hemel
“Socialism” vs. “capitalism” is a false dichotomy“Socialism” vs. “capitalism” is a false dichotomy
The Big Idea

“Socialists” and Republicans forget different parts of this lesson.

By Will Wilkinson
Omarosa’s nondisclosure agreements: what, exactly, can Trump keep her from talking about?Omarosa’s nondisclosure agreements: what, exactly, can Trump keep her from talking about?
The Big Idea

Much of the campaign NDA is probably enforceable. But the First Amendment also comes into play.

By Frank Fagan
Why we should abolish ICE — and the DEA tooWhy we should abolish ICE — and the DEA too
The Big Idea

The failed drug war and Trump’s war on immigrants share many features. To change course, we need to change institutions.

By Kathleen Frydl
The real reason you’re not getting a pay raiseThe real reason you’re not getting a pay raise
The Big Idea

Solving the “wage puzzle”: It’s not about inequality.

By Jason Furman
Black Americans are asserting their rights in “white spaces.” That’s when whites call 911.Black Americans are asserting their rights in “white spaces.” That’s when whites call 911.
The Big Idea

A Yale professor explains the sociology of the living-while-black incidents.

By Elijah Anderson
America might be ready for democratic socialism. It’s not ready for the bill.America might be ready for democratic socialism. It’s not ready for the bill.
The Big Idea

Single-payer health care, a jobs guarantee, and free college would require massive tax hikes. There’s no way around it.

By Brian Riedl
The Hiroshima anniversary: 5 things you should know about nuclear weapons todayThe Hiroshima anniversary: 5 things you should know about nuclear weapons today
The Big Idea

Seventy-three years after the first use of the atomic bomb in wartime, commitment to arms control is fading.

By Michael Krepon
President Trump admits he’s trying to kill Obamacare. That’s illegal.President Trump admits he’s trying to kill Obamacare. That’s illegal.
The Big Idea

Four cities have just filed suit, arguing that Trump’s attempts to undermine the law violate the Constitution.

By Abbe Gluck
Why Jeff Sessions thinks Christians are under siege in AmericaWhy Jeff Sessions thinks Christians are under siege in America
The Big Idea

The roots of the war over “religious liberty” — the subject of a new Justice Department task force — explained.

By Christopher Shea
Ex-Trump staffers should not get plum jobs at elite universitiesEx-Trump staffers should not get plum jobs at elite universities
The Big Idea

Why two prominent historians were right to resign from the University of Virginia’s Miller Center.

By Nicole Hemmer
Is it time to do away with job applicant drug testing?Is it time to do away with job applicant drug testing?
The Big Idea

The research linking passing a drug test to performing better at work is weak.

By Mark A.R. Kleiman
Elite law professors are brushing politics aside to support fellow elite Brett Kavanaugh. That’s inexcusable in the Trump era.Elite law professors are brushing politics aside to support fellow elite Brett Kavanaugh. That’s inexcusable in the Trump era.
The Big Idea

In the developing world, elites often place allegiance to one another above the public good. Now we’re seeing that happen here.

By Eleanor Marie Lawrence Brown
The fate of the ACA could turn on Judge Kavanaugh’s appointmentThe fate of the ACA could turn on Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment
The Big Idea

Five questions Democrats should ask the Supreme Court nominee as threats to Obamacare bubble up from lower courts.

By Abbe Gluck
A historian surveys the wreckage of the Trump-Putin summitA historian surveys the wreckage of the Trump-Putin summit

Michael Kimmage argues for reengagement with Russia, and had written about his high hopes for Helsinki. Then Trump started talking.

By Christopher Shea
How teachers unions can surviveHow teachers unions can survive
The Big Idea

What unions can do after the shock of the Supreme Court’s Janus decision.

By Alexander Hertel-Fernandez and Ethan Porter
The Putin paradox: he’s brutally repressive — and incredibly popularThe Putin paradox: he’s brutally repressive — and incredibly popular
The Big Idea

We ignore history, and evidence, if we conclude Putin’s hyper-nationalist authoritarian regime rules through fear alone.

By Zachary Jonathan Jacobson
The case for not publishing hacked emailsThe case for not publishing hacked emails
The Big Idea

Russia is poised to hack again. Here’s how the media should respond.

By Nathaniel Zelinsky
A push to shutter legal brothels in Nevada is based on misguided ideas about sex workA push to shutter legal brothels in Nevada is based on misguided ideas about sex work
The Big Idea

The war on sex work continues.

By Lux Alptraum
“Medicare-for-all” means something. Don’t let moderates water it down.“Medicare-for-all” means something. Don’t let moderates water it down.
The Big Idea

Centrists want to co-opt the phrase and apply it to something weaker than a single-payer system.

By Tim Higginbotham and Chris Middleman
Why you shouldn’t obsess about “overpopulation”Why you shouldn’t obsess about “overpopulation”
The Big Idea

We can’t solve our climate-change problems by having fewer babies.

By Lyman Stone
The myth of the job-hopping, rootless millennial is just that — a mythThe myth of the job-hopping, rootless millennial is just that — a myth
The Big Idea

Hype about the “gig economy” aside, Americans are becoming more attached to their jobs and communities, not less.

By Lyman Stone
“Get out, little punks”: racism at swimming pools has a long history“Get out, little punks”: racism at swimming pools has a long history
The Big Idea

How swimming pools became a flashpoint of racial tension in America.

By Jeff Wiltse
6 myths about Roe v. Wade, debunked6 myths about Roe v. Wade, debunked
The Big Idea

Roe is a much-criticized decision. Most of the criticism is dead wrong.

By Scott Lemieux
It’s always been hard to say no to citizenship requests from soldiers. Trump’s doing it.It’s always been hard to say no to citizenship requests from soldiers. Trump’s doing it.
The Big Idea

Even conservatives have historically embraced programs that trade military service for naturalization. That may be why the administration is targeting them.

By Nicole Hemmer
Justice Sotomayor is showing her liberal peers on SCOTUS how to be a potent minority voiceJustice Sotomayor is showing her liberal peers on SCOTUS how to be a potent minority voice
The Big Idea

She’s not compromising, and she’s not pulling her punches.

By David Fontana
How to fix the crisis caused by Central American asylum seekers — humanelyHow to fix the crisis caused by Central American asylum seekers — humanely
The Big Idea

A former top immigration official offers solutions.

By David A. Martin
The Supreme Court just quietly gutted antitrust lawThe Supreme Court just quietly gutted antitrust law
The Big Idea

A decision in favor of American Express will make it easier for big tech companies to pressure workers, suppliers, and customers.

By Lina Khan