Michigan high school graduates to get tuition-free community college

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer smiles before delivering her State of the State address to a joint session of the House and Senate, Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024, at the state Capitol in Lansing, Mich. (AP Photo/Al Goldis)
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer smiles before delivering her State of the State address to a joint session of the House and Senate, Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024, at the state Capitol in Lansing, Mich. (AP Photo/Al Goldis)
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LANSING, Mich. (WPBN/WGTU) -- High school graduates in Michigan will be able to attend community college this fall without paying for tuition.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer highlighted the new school aid budget Tuesday, which delivers on the Michigan Guarantee so every high school graduate can earn an associate’s degree or skills certificate from an in-district community college tuition-free, saving more than 18,000 students up to $4,800 a year.

“I’m proud of our work to lower the cost of higher education and put college or skills training in reach for more working Michigan families,” said Governor Whitmer. “This education budget goes even further, delivering on our Michigan Guarantee to ensure every Michigan high school graduate can earn an associate degree or skills certificate tuition-free at their community college. Across our state more Michiganders are going back to school and getting the skills they need for high-skilled, better-paying jobs. We’ll keep working to lower barriers to economic prosperity and help more families ‘make it’ in Michigan.”

In her 2024 State of the State Address, the governor laid out her vision to improve education in Michigan. The governor proposed the Michigan Guarantee, so every Michigander can have access to quality education from pre-K through community college

The governor set the Sixty by 30 Goal to have at least 60% of Michiganders earn a degree or skill certificate by 2030 and created the Office of Sixty by 30 to lead the state’s effort. Governor Whitmer also lowered the age of Michigan Reconnect from 25 to 21, offering Michigander's tuition-free associate degree or skills certificate in high-demand careers.

The school aid budget also increases per-pupil funding for students in the state.

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