Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom return to beach in Italy where he went nude paddleboarding

FILE - This Aug. 21, 2019 file photo shows Orlando Bloom, right, a cast member in the Amazon Prime Video series "Carnival Row," with singer Katy Perry, at the premiere of the series in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File)
FILE - This Aug. 21, 2019 file photo shows Orlando Bloom, right, a cast member in the Amazon Prime Video series "Carnival Row," with singer Katy Perry, at the premiere of the series in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File)
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Celebrity couple Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom were recently back vacationing in Sardinia, Italy, where images of him infamously paddling boarding in the buff went viral in 2016.

Entertainment Tonight shared multiple images of the two, with Perry looking fit in a brown bikini and sunglasses, and Bloom showing off his muscles in blue board shorts.

They were spotted relaxing on a beach in Porto Cervo with their daughter, 4-year-old Daisy Dove.

"The power couple looked every bit the doting parents as they carefully watched their only child splash around in the water together," The Daily Mail reported Monday. "They also seemed to have a great time together as they shared a few laughs and loving glances at one another."

According to the media outlet, Bloom was diving into the water, which was "much to the delight of his daughter."

It was the same location where Bloom was seen paddle boarding naked eight years ago. At the time, images surfaced of Bloom and Perry on a paddleboard, with a nude Bloom on his knees and rowing the board, with Perry sitting crossed-legged in front of him.


To celebrate the Fourth of July, Perry, 39, dazzled in an American flag bikini top. She took to social media Thursday to share a photo that showed her flexing her arm while wearing a red bandana on her head as a nod to Rosie the Riveter.

"BB UR A FIREWORK," she wrote on X, also sharing the firework emoji. "And speaking of work, WOMAN’S WORLD IS GOING TO WORK IN ONE WEEK HAPPY 4TH."

Perry, who parted ways with "American Idol" in May after several seasons as a celebrity judge, is set to release her comeback single "Woman's World" Thursday. She teased a clip of the video for the song on X.

Meanwhile, Bloom, 47, who has starred in blockbuster movies like "Lord of the Rings" and "Pirates of the Caribbean," has been advocating for children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), where he said the community faces "a humanitarian crises."

On Tuesday, Newsweek published an op-ed Bloom wrote to raise awareness about what he detailed as violence and starvation that is sweeping the area. He urged the public to help in any way possible.

"Humanitarian aid to the DRC remains one of the most underfunded crises in the world," he wrote. "Too little support is coming through which forces impossible choices between providing life-saving nutrition and health services or enough clean drinking water or protecting children from violence, including sexual violence. I stand with UNICEF in asking partners for more support to help millions of children in eastern DRC who need our assistance, and calling on all parties to the conflict to negotiate a comprehensive solution for lasting peace."

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