Welcome to Planet University! Get started by taking our video tour.

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[separator] Webinars
Introduction to the Sentinel Hub Dashboard and Configurations (Course 2)
Learn about collections and how to use the configuration utility to configure and customize layers in Sentinel Hub.
On-Demand Courses English Sentinel Hub auto-registration
[separator] Planet Insights Platform
Intro to Planet's Tasking API
Documentation and examples on how to request high-resolution SkySat imagery.
60 min
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
[separator] Additional Resources
The following resources are available to you.
[separator] Product Onboarding
Planet products for agriculture
Not currently available
[separator]Live-Webinare (Aufzeichnung)
Webinar - Planet Explorer und Bildprodukte (24. August 2022)
Dies ist ein technische Einfühung in die Web-Anwendung Planet Explorer, die es ihnen ermöglicht, auf das umfangreiche Bildmaterial von Planet zuzugreifen. Desweiteren werden die von Planet angebotenen Bildprodukte im Detail vorgestellt.
1 Std
German Recorded Webinars Deutsch
Webinar - Planet Explorer und Bildprodukte (6. Oktober 2022)
German Recorded Webinars Deutsch
Introduction to the EO Browser on Sentinel Hub (Course 1)
In this 20 minute course about Sentinel Hub, learn all about the functionalities of the Sentinel Hub EO Browser tool
On-Demand Courses English Sentinel Hub auto-registration
Agriculture Webinars and Additional Resources
Recorded webinars, articles, and ebooks from Planet related to agriculture
Not currently available
[separator] Other GIS Tools
[separator] Planet Plugin for QGIS
[separator] Planet Add-in for ArcGIS
[separator] Courses
[separator] Google Earth Engine
UK Forest Research - Session 1: Planet Overview
An introduction to Planet's satellites and products as well as a overview of Planet Explorer.
NCEO - Introduction to Planet Insights Platform Slide Deck
Slides for the Onboarding the EO Data Hub with an overview of the Planet Insights Platform and APIs as well as an EO Browser Demo
Monitoring Human Development at Scale with Road and Building Analytics Feeds
Watch this recording to learn more about Planet’s Road and Buildings Analytics Feeds
English Recorded Webinars Planet Analytic Feeds
Drought Index Insurance: Latest Insights From the Global Market
View this recording of industry experts from Planet, Swiss Re, AXA Climate, and AgroInsurance for a look into how insurers are using satellite data to build products, measure crop conditions, and utilize indices that measure specific phenomena - like soil moisture and NDVI.
Agriculture Recorded Webinars
Art of the Possible Webinar: Irrigation Management with Planetary Variables
Watch the recording of this discussion on insights into innovative ways Planet data is applied in the agriculture industry with real world examples of best practices and how companies use Planetary Variables for irrigation management.
Agriculture English Recorded Webinars Planetary Variables auto-registration
Agile EO: Features API
Planet released a new API, the Features API, for managing feature or vector data, that you use with other Planet APIs. This highly requested feature is designed to improve your efficiency when making multiple API requests by reducing the need to provide the same information repeatedly
English Recorded Webinars APIs Agile EO
Integrating Daily Imagery with ArcGIS
Watch this webinar to see how you can integrate Planet imagery and analytics into your ArcGIS applications.
English Recorded Webinars arcgis Planet Add-in for ArcGIS auto-registration
Streaming Daily Imagery from Sentinel Hub Into ArcGIS Online
This short demo shows how to customize and stream Planet imagery directly into your GIS software without ever having to download a single image – using Sentinel Hub.
English Recorded Webinars Sentinel Hub Planet Add-in for ArcGIS auto-registration
CADW | Demonstrating Datasets & Indices with SH's QGIS Integration - April 5th, 2024
Introduction to Planet, Fusion and Past Proof of Concept Outcomes - Aug 10, 2022
1 hr 52 min
[separator] Previous Webinars
Click on the webinar you're interested in and then select Register
Intro to Crop Biomass
Get started with Planet’s Crop Biomass Planetary Variable product for monitoring crops.
20 min
Agriculture On-Demand Courses English Planetary Variables
このコースでは、組織のアクセスと使用状況を管理およびレポートするためのPlanet ツールの使用方法について学びます。
Account Management 日本語
[separator] Sentinel Hub Webinars
[separator] Sentinel Hub Courses
Ordering Planetscope Using 3rd Party Data Import API (Course 4)
Follow along with this notebook focused on ordering Planetscope using the Sentinel Hub 3rd Party Data Import API (TPDI)
On-Demand Courses English APIs Sentinel Hub auto-registration
Intro to Sentinel Hub APIs (Course 3)
Get started with this course, covering first steps on getting started analyzing Sentinel 2 and PlanetScope Imagery using the Sentinel Hub APIs
On-Demand Courses English APIs Sentinel Hub auto-registration
NCEO - Planet Product and APIs Slide Deck
Slides from the Planet Product and API live training
[separator] Single Courses
Short courses that introduce Planet and satellite imagery workflows.
Intro to NICFI Basemaps
This course is an introduction to the NICFI Basemaps, familiarizes you with the NICFI Satellite Data program, types of NICFI Basemaps, overviews the tools to access NICFI basemaps, and offers use cases to best utilize NICFI data.
NICFI English NICFI Basemaps auto-registration
[separator] Required Courses
The following courses are required for your onboarding process.
[separator] 8 Course Python Series
Follow along with Ed Oughton, of George Mason University, to learn how to set up a Python environment, and use Planet's APIs to work with Planet data.
Planet Explorer für den Naturschutz
Tutorial, das zeigt, wie Sie den Planet Explorer für Naturschutzzwecke verwenden können.
Intro to Planet Stories
This course is an introduction and overview for using Planet Stories.
Planet Stories On-Demand Courses English auto-registration
Demo on AMS Browser
WG Training: Introduction to Fusion - Aug 10th, 2023
Introduction to Planet Fusion and demo on how to access it via Sentinel Hub EO Browser
Final PoC Results on AMS Browser - June 12, 2023
Fusion Training - Data Access and Analysis, Oct 2022
Training videos on how to access Fusion in Google Cloud Storage as well as how to use Fusion data in QGIS
Introduction to Planet Imagery and Tools - Oct 24, 2022
57 mins
Planet Web Applications and Integrations - Nov 2nd, 2022
English Recorded Webinars
[separator] Recommended Courses
The following courses are recommended for your onboarding process but are not required. You can select which courses you take based on your pre-existing knowledge base.
GFOI webinar series 2.0: NICFI Satellite Data Programme - Progress in the Tropics (ENGLISH)
NICFI Recorded Webinars
Mapscaping Podcast - Reduce and Reverse Tropical Forest Loss With NICFI
Featured on this show is Tara O’Shea, the Senior Director of Forest and Land Use at Planet. Tara shares how Planet and other partners have come together under NICFI’s (Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative) satellite data project to make high resolution satellite data available for tropical forest monitoring systems and researchers across the world
38 mins
NICFI English podcast
Intro to Land Surface Temperature
This course is an introduction to Planet’s Land Surface Temperature Planetary Variable product.
Agriculture On-Demand Courses English Planetary Variables auto-registration
WG Planet Overview Training - July 28, 2023
Live training introducing Planet, it's Satellite constellations, the Planet Explorer web app along with the Planet QGIS plugin
Einführungskurse zu Satellitendaten und Webanwendungen von Planet
Einführung in Planet Explorer
Dies ist ein Einführungskurs in das Planet Explorer Web Tool. In diesem Kurs werden Sie mit der Benutzerschnittstelle dieses Tools, seinen Funktionen und einigen Tipps und Tricks vertraut gemacht, um über diese Plattform Einblicke in Planet Data zu erhalten.
10 min
Planet Explorer German On-Demand Courses Deutsch auto-registration
Einführung in die Kontoverwaltung
In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Planet-Tools kennen, mit welchen Sie den Zugriff und die Nutzung in Ihrem Unternehmen organisieren.
7 min
Account Management German On-Demand Courses Deutsch auto-registration
Daten-Download mit dem Planet Explorer
Das Tutorial zeigt an Hand einfacher Beispiele aus dem Naturschutz und der Wasserwirtschaft, wie Sie Satellitendaten direkt in der Planet-Cloud analysieren oder für die Nutzung in einem Desktop GIS herunterladen können.
Erste Schritte mit Planet University
Diese Kurzanleitung soll Ihnen dabei helfen, mehr über Planet University zu erfahren, Ihr Planet-Konto zu aktivieren, mit der Nutzung von Planet-Daten zu beginnen und Zugang zu den Hilfe- und Support-Ressourcen von Planet zu erhalten.
10 min
German On-Demand Courses About Planet Deutsch auto-registration
Einführung in Planet Stories
Dieser Kurs ist eine Einführung und ein Überblick über die Verwendung von Planet Stories.
4 min
Planet Stories German On-Demand Courses Deutsch auto-registration
Einführung in Planet
Dies ist eine Einführung in Planet. In dieser Einführung werden die Ziele, Ressourcen und Werkzeuge von Planet vorgestellt. Dazu gehört eine kurze Erläuterung der Mission von Planet, der Geschichte des Unternehmens, der Satellitenkonstellationen und einiger ihrer Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. In diesem Kurs werden auch die Tools von Planet vorgestellt, die für die Analyse der Bilddaten von Planet verwendet werden.
18 min
German On-Demand Courses About Planet Deutsch auto-registration
Einführung in Planet Basemaps
Dieser Kurs ist eine Einführung in die Planet-Basemaps-Produkte, macht Sie mit den Planet-Basemap-Funktionen vertraut, gibt einen Überblick über die Tools für den Zugriff auf Mosaike und bietet Anwendungsfälle für die optimale Nutzung von Daten.
3 min
German On-Demand Courses Planet Basemaps Deutsch auto-registration
ArcGIS Pro: Darstellung & Berechnung von Überflutungsgebieten
Tutorial, das zeigt, wie Sie mit ArcGIS Pro überflutete Gebiete aus Satellitenbildern berechnen.
German Integrations arcgis Planet Add-in for ArcGIS
QGIS: Darstellung & Berechnung von Überflutungsgebieten
Tutorial, das zeigt, wie Sie mit QGIS überflutete Gebiete aus Satellitenbildern berechnen
German Integrations qgis Planet Plugin for QGIS
Einführung in die Fernerkundung
Dieser Kurs bietet eine grundlegende Einführung in die Satellitengestützte Fernerkundung.
30 mim
German Fernerkundung On-Demand Courses Remote Sensing Deutsch auto-registration
Video-Tutorials die zeigen, wie Sie auf Planet-Aufnahmen zugreifen und sie auswerten können.
GFOI webinar series 2.0: NICFI Satellite Data Programme - Progress in the Tropics (SPANISH)
NICFI Recorded Webinars Spanish
GFOI webinar series 2.0: NICFI Satellite Data Programme - Progress in the Tropics (FRENCH)
NICFI Recorded Webinars French
UK Forest Research - Session 2: WebApps and Integrations
Search and download imagery using Planet web tools, as well as the Planet integration with GIS tools. Utilize Planet Explorer for in-browser visualisation and media creation.
[separator] Basemaps
Introductory courses on Planet Basemaps and Basemaps specifically for NICFI
Not currently available
Viewing a Flood Event with the Planet Explorer ArcGIS Pro Add-In
A case study for the Planet Explorer ArcGIS Pro Add-In.
60 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Planet Add-in for ArcGIS auto-registration
Rainforest Foundation-US Workflow using NICFI Imagery
Learn from an user on how they are using the Program, online and offline, to monitor, investigate, validate and gather evidence on deforestation events in Indigenous Communities territories in Guyana
NICFI English Recorded Webinars Planet Plugin for QGIS NICFI Basemaps Global Forest Watch
Geospatial Data
An introduction to geospatial data
15 min
On-Demand Courses English GIS auto-registration
Getting started with GDAL
In this tutorial, we'll learn about a powerful, widely-used, and broadly applicable Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) tool.
30 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Planet Plugin for QGIS auto-registration
Calculate an NDVI in Python
In this guide we will perform a basic NDVI calculation in python, using Planet's PSScene imagery.
40 min
On-Demand Courses English Use Cases auto-registration
Intro to Soil Water Content
Get Started with Planet’s Soil Water Content Planetary Variable product for monitoring the amount of water in the unsaturated zone of the soil.
Agriculture On-Demand Courses English Planetary Variables Sentinel Hub Use Cases auto-registration
Accessing NICFI's Satellite Data Program SPOT data inside Planet Explorer
How to access, view and download SPOT 5, 6 and 7 imagery through Planet Explorer
NICFI Recorded Webinars
Horizon Workshop October 2022 - LATAM
This workshop provides dynamic business, product, and Planet updates from subject matter experts and executives from your region.
Intro to Planet University
Consult this quick start guide to learn about Planet University, activate your Planet account, get started using Planet data, and gain access to Planet's help and support resources.
15 min
Account Management Getting started New user Start On-Demand Courses English About Planet auto-registration
UK Forest Research - Session 3: APIs
Learn how to leverage Planet’s REST APIs, including the Data API, Orders API and others.
Intro to Planet Explorer: Open Access
This course introduces Planet Explorer, Planet's primary web-tool used to view, download and analyze Planet imagery.
Open Access
Intro to Remote Sensing: Open Access
This course is a basic introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing.
23 min
Open Access
Media Use Cases - Satellite Imagery Reveals Secret Chinese Internment Camps
This video shows usage of Planet’s daily imagery in detecting secret locations of internment camps in China by Buzfeed journalists in August 2020. You can also check out this link to know more about their report.
English auto-registration
[Agile EO] Speed, Simplicity, Quality: User-Driven Enhancements to Planet Tasking
Join us for a look into the new and upcoming enhancements to Tasking, driven by users like you
English Recorded Webinars Planet Tasking Agile EO
Sustainable Supply Chain Solutions
On demand webinar about Planet-base sustainable supply chain solutions, primarily focused on the palm oil industry.
Agriculture English Recorded Webinars auto-registration
Intro to APIs
A brief overview on what is an API, Planet's specific APIs, and how are they used.
20 min
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
Partner Training - Anti-Bribery & Corruption - January 2024
Partner Training - Anti-Bribery & Corruption - January 2024
Partner Content Anti-bribery, bribery, compliance, corruption, partner, partners auto-registration
auto reg test course 2
Intro to Planet's Data and Orders APIs
An overview on how to view, search and download Planet's Planetscope imagery using the Data and Orders APIs.
18 min
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
Multiband Imagery and Metadata
In this course Ed Oughton, of George Mason University, introduces how to work with Multiband Imagery, Coordinate Reference Systems and Metadata in Python.
On-Demand Courses English APIs
Intro to Planet
This course is an introduction to Planet's mission, satellites, and platforms for users who are new to Planet Labs.
On-Demand Courses English About Planet auto-registration
Intro to Pixel Object Extraction
In this course Ed Oughton, of George Mason University, introduces how to perform Pixel Object Extraction, using QGIS and Python.
On-Demand Courses English APIs
How Satellite Data is Changing Agriculture Insurance
Watch industry experts from Schweizer Hagel, Swiss Re, AXA Climate, Agroinsurance International, and Planet in a packed one hour webinar
Agriculture English Recorded Webinars Agile EO
UK Forest Research - Soil Water Content and Access via Planet APIs
Recording of live training session on the Soil Water Content Planetary Variable and how to access it via Planet's APIs
WG Tasking Dashboard Training - Aug 4, 2023
Training webinar on how to use Planet's Tasking Dashboard to request SkySat Image collection
WG Planet Fusion Deep Dive - Aug 10, 2023
Webinar on Fusion Data, metadata, access and delivery on the Sentinel Hub EO Browser
Agile EO: Planet Field Boundaries
Planet launched its newest Planetary Variable - Field Boundaries. The dataset contains a set of polygons representing the boundaries of agricultural fields for areas of interest anywhere around the globe.
Agriculture Recorded Webinars Planetary Variables Agile EO
North America Regional Webinar: September 21, 2023
Watch this recording to learn more about regional updates for North America including upcoming events, product announcements and updates on Planet's education platforms
AMER English Recorded Webinars
High Res How To: For Tropical Forests (ENGLISH)
GFOI’s hosted webinar series on using free high-resolution satellite imagery for conducting research on tropical forests. This webinar is available in English, French and Spanish.
1 hr 30 min
NICFI English Recorded Webinars auto-registration
Planetology Webinar Series: Water
Watch two sessions of the new Planetology webinar series to hear presentations by six water-focused researchers, covering how they use Planet data in their research.
English Recorded Webinars Science Science Programs Planetology
Intro to SkySat: Open Access
This course introduces the SkySat product and describes the terms and systems needed to get the most out of Planet's high-resolution imagery.
Open Access
Introduction to Planetary Variables: Open Access
This course introduces a set of derived data products, called Planetary Variables, and describes their capabilities and properties.
Open Access
Planet Integrations - ArcGIS Pro Tutorial: Open Access
Short course on on how to search and download Planet imagery directly in ArcGIS Pro.
60 min
Open Access
Planet Integrations - Google Earth Engine Tutorial: Open Access
Planet’s GEE Delivery Integration offers users a way to send supported Planet imagery types directly to GEE using Planet’s Orders API.
60 min
Open Access
Intro to PlanetScope: Open Access
This course introduces the PlanetScope product and describes the terms and systems needed to get the most out of Planet's near-daily imagery.
Open Access
Planet Integrations - QGIS Tutorial: Open Access
Short course on how to search for and download Planet imagery directly in QGIS.
60 min
Open Access
Development Data Partnership: Intro to Planet Labs
This presentation gives an overview of the Planet Labs, including products, use-cases, and platforms, for those participating in the development data partnership.
Horizon Workshop October 2022 - AMER
This workshop provides dynamic business, product, and Planet updates from subject matter experts and executives from your region.
[separator] Planet Imagery Overview
Agile EO: Improvements to Tasking
Join us for a look into the updates we made to increase Tasking delivery fulfillment rates 50-70% and increase satisfaction across the board.
English Recorded Webinars Planet Tasking auto-registration
Intro to Field Boundaries
Get started with Planet’s Field Boundaries, a Planetary Variable that represent fields or parcels of land and serves as the foundational framework for a wide range of analyses.
Agriculture On-Demand Courses English Planetary Variables
Using Google Earth Engine & Planet to generate NDVI data
Learn how to use Google Earth Engine and Planet imagery to generate NDVI data in this video tutorial.
10 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Google Earth Engine auto-registration
Media Use Cases - Satellite Imagery Shows Activity at Previously Dismantled North Korean Test Site
This video introduces a media report published by CNN in December 2019, using Planet Imagery showing activity at previously dismantled North Korean Test Site.
Media Use Cases - Illegal Airstrips Bringing Toxic Mining to Brazil's Indigenous Land
This video shows New York Times investigation of thousands of satellite images including Planet's high and medium-resolution imagery to detect illegal airstrips bringing toxic mining to Brazil's Amazon.
English auto-registration
Viewing a Flood Event with the Planet Explorer QGIS Plugin
A case study for the Planet Explorer QGIS Plugin.
60 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Planet Plugin for QGIS auto-registration
Google Earth Engine One Minute to Integrations
Get started with common tasks using Planet GIS integrations with the following series of videos.
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Google Earth Engine
QGIS & GDAL: Installation and Setup
Learn how to install and set up QGIS and GDAL.
20 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Planet Plugin for QGIS auto-registration
AMA with LiveEO
Watch the AMA with LiveEO as part of Planet's Connect to Purpose Program
28 min
Use Cases auto-registration
auto reg test course
Usable Data Mask in Planet Imagery
In this guide, you'll learn about Planet's automatic detection of pixels which are cloudy or otherwise obscured.
30 min
On-Demand Courses English Remote Sensing auto-registration
Einführung in Planet Explorer fur BKG
Dies ist ein Einführungskurs in das Planet Explorer Web Tool. In diesem Kurs werden Sie mit der Benutzerschnittstelle dieses Tools, seinen Funktionen und einigen Tipps und Tricks vertraut gemacht, um über diese Plattform Einblicke in Planet Data zu erhalten.
5 min
Planet Explorer German On-Demand Courses Deutsch auto-registration
GeoJSON and Areas of Interest (AOIs)
This guide explains some of the basics of working with GeoJSON and areas of interest.
25 min
On-Demand Courses English GIS auto-registration
BP - Introduction to PlanetScope and Technical Consulting
Discussion on PlanetScope imagery and how to access it
BP - Planet Subscriptions API
Discussion on how to use Planet Subscription API to access imagery
BP - Planetary Variables and Early Crop Classification
Discussion of application of Planetary Variables for early crop classification
BP - Introduction to Planetary Variables
Introduction to Soil Water Content, Land Surface Temperature, Crop Biomass and Vegetation Optical Depth
Intro to SkySat and the Tasking Dashboard
This course introduces the SkySat product and describes the terms and systems, including the Tasking Dashboard, needed to get the most out of Planet's high-resolution imagery.
On-Demand Courses English SkySat auto-registration
Fundamentals of Python
In this course Ed Oughton, of George Mason University, introduces how to clone a repository, use Python as a calculator, and covers basic data formats.
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
[separator] 'How to' Tutorials
Workflows that walk you through an example situation to download and analyze Planet Imagery
Not currently available
[separator] Planet Integrations
How to use Planet Plugins to search, view and download Planet Imagery in various GIS Software and Platforms
Not currently available
Downloading Quads from a Mosaic using Basemaps API
This tutorial aims to provide a user-friendly way to use Planet's Basemaps API to download all quads to a folder in their directory.
30 min
On-Demand Courses English Planet Basemaps APIs auto-registration
Intro to Planet Basemaps
This course is an introduction to the Planet Basemaps products, familiarizes you with the Planet Basemap features, overviews the tools to access basemaps, and offers use cases to best utilize data.
On-Demand Courses English Planet Basemaps auto-registration
Intro to Remote Sensing
This course is a basic introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing.
On-Demand Courses English Remote Sensing auto-registration
Intro to ArcGIS Integration
Short course on on how to search and download Planet imagery directly in ArcGIS Pro.
60 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Planet Add-in for ArcGIS auto-registration
Image Extraction Using Planet's APIs
In this course Ed Oughton, of George Mason University, introduces how to use Planet's APIs to extract images, using Python
On-Demand Courses English APIs
Planetology Webinar Series: Forestry
Watch the two inaugural sessions of the new Planetology webinar series to hear presentations by six forestry-focused researchers, covering how they use Planet data in their research.
Forestry English Recorded Webinars Science Science Programs auto-registration Planetology
Planet Integrations - Google Earth Engine Tutorial
Planet’s GEE Delivery Integration offers users a way to send supported Planet imagery types directly to GEE using Planet’s Orders API.
60 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Google Earth Engine auto-registration
Intro to Account Management
This course teaches you how to learn Planet tools to manage and report on your organizations access and usage.
Account Management On-Demand Courses English About Planet auto-registration
Introduction to Planetary Variables
This course introduces a set of derived data products, called Planetary Variables, and describes their capabilities and properties.
On-Demand Courses English Planetary Variables auto-registration
Intro to Analyzing Satellite Imagery with Python
In this course Ed Oughton, of George Mason University, introduces how to set up a Python environment, for use in analyzing satellite imagery.
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
Intro to Planet's Basemaps API
Documentation on how to use APIs to download Planet's Basemaps.
60 min
On-Demand Courses English Planet Basemaps APIs auto-registration
Planet Integrations - ArcGIS Pro Workflow
This tutorial shows you how to mosaic two quads in ArcGIS Pro, clip the mosaic and create an NDVI raster.
30 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Planet Add-in for ArcGIS auto-registration
Intro to QGIS Integration
Short course on how to search for and download Planet imagery directly in QGIS.
60 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Planet Plugin for QGIS auto-registration
Tree Bloom Change Detection
In this lab exercise, use open source PlanetScope data to determine how many trees are blooming on the island of Barro Colorado, Panama.
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Remote Sensing Remote Sensing Basics Science Programs Use Cases GIS Planet Add-in for ArcGIS auto-registration
Intro to PlanetScope
This course introduces the PlanetScope product and describes the terms and systems needed to get the most out of Planet's near-daily imagery.
On-Demand Courses English PlanetScope On Demand Planet Scope auto-registration
Intro to Planet Explorer
In this course, you will be introduced to Planet Explorer, its interface, functionality, and some tips and tricks for using it.
Planet Explorer On-Demand Courses English auto-registration
Planet Integrations - GDAL Workflow
An introductory course on how to do basic raster operations in GDAL using Planet imagery.
10 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Planet Plugin for QGIS auto-registration gdal-workflow-redirect
Calculate Changes in Water Levels
The purpose of this tutorial is to use Planet imagery to calculate an approximate percentage change in reservoir water levels.
30 min
On-Demand Courses English Use Cases auto-registration
Planet Integrations - QGIS Workflow
An introductory course on how to do basic raster operations in QGIS using Planet imagery.
30 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Planet Plugin for QGIS auto-registration
Intro to Planet's Tile API Service
An introduction to the API Tile Service which allows for the visualization of assets available in Planet's item archive as tiles.
20 min
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
[separator] Introductory Courses
Short introductory courses to help you get started using Planet data
Planet Integrations - Mapbox Workflow
Tutorial on how to use NICFI Satellite Data Program Imagery in custom web maps built with Mapbox GL JS.
1 hr 30 min
On-Demand Courses English Integrations Other GIS Tools auto-registration
Blooms & Blooms: Creating and Exploring Spectral Indices
In this exercise, use Planet Explorer and ArcGIS Pro to explore different spectral indices on algal and flower blooms.
Planet Explorer English GIS Planet Add-in for ArcGIS
[separator] Application Programming Interface - APIs
Introductory courses demonstrating how to use Planet's APIs to view, search and download Planet Imagery.
[separator] Deutsch
Das neue BKG-Download-Tool
In diesem Webinar lernen Sie, wie sie mithilfe des BKG-Download-Tools Satellitendaten aus den Shared Hosted Folders herunterladen können. Darüber hinaus wird auch gezeigt, wie Sie damit auf Basemaps des BKG zugreifen können.
German Deutsch auto-registration
Planet Explorer入門
このコースでは、Planet Explorerとそのインターフェース、機能、使用に関するヒントとコツを紹介します。
Planet Explorer auto-registration
Webinar - Making Forest Management More Efficient with Planet Solutions
Short webinar highlighting examples on how Planet provides value and enables positive business outcomes in the Canadian Forest Management Industry
Forestry English Recorded Webinars canada
Downloading Basemaps via Orders API
Watch the following recorded webinar to learn more about new options available for downloading basemaps in the Orders API.
English Planet Basemaps Recorded Webinars APIs auto-registration
Oslo Tropical Forest Forum - Webinar April 2021
The webinar offers an introduction to the NICFI program and showcases powerful visualization tools that enable anyone, anywhere to monitor tropical deforestation using free high-resolution satellite imagery.
60 min
NICFI English Recorded Webinars auto-registration
Agile EO: APIs on Planet Insights Platform
In this webinar we'll cover an overview of Planet Insights Platform and introduction to APIs on the platform
English Recorded Webinars APIs Sentinel Hub Agile EO
Live Webinar Series: Tools + Toolchains
This training, for customers in organizations with live training hours, covers using Tools and Toolchains in Planet's APIs
Live Webinar Series: Automating Your Search & Imagery Download Workflow
This training, for customers in organizations with live training hours, covers searching, and downloading imagery, using Planet APIs. Recommended Prerequisite: Getting Started with REST APIs + Python Intro
Live Webinar Series: Getting Started with REST APIs + Python Intro
This training, for customers in organizations with live training hours, covers REST APIs and Python
Live Webinar Series: Intro to Planet Data in QGIS
This training, for customers in organizations with live training hours, covers how to find, and use, Planet data in QGIS.
Planet Plugin for QGIS
Live Webinar Series: Intro to Planet Data in ArcGIS
This training, for customers in organizations with live training hours, covers how to find, and use, Planet data in ArcGIS.
Planet Add-in for ArcGIS
Live Webinar Series: Intro to Planet Explorer
This training, for customers in organizations with live training hours, covers the Planet Explorer tool.
Planet Explorer Live Webinars English
Manipulating Raster Images
In this course Ed Oughton, of George Mason University, introduces how to Clip and Write Raster Images.
On-Demand Courses English APIs
Working with Spatial Data in Python
In this course Ed Oughton, of George Mason University, introduces how to begin working with spatial data in Python, including using Shapely, Pandas and Geopandas.
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
Python Next Steps
In this course Ed Oughton, of George Mason University, introduces some more complex Python concepts, such as Tuples, using dictionaries and multidimensional structures.
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
Live Webinar Series: Basemaps API + Web Tile Services (XYZ + WMTS)
This training, for customers in organizations with live training hours, covers the Basemaps API and Web Tile Services (XYZ + WMTS)
Agile EO Webinar Series: Top 5 Product Releases in 2022
Check out this webinar for a look back at Planet’s top five product releases in 2022, from image quality updates to delivery upgrades to platform improvements.
English Recorded Webinars
Horizon Workshop October 2022 - EMEA
This workshop provides dynamic business, product, and Planet updates from subject matter experts and executives from your region.
Building a Simple Web Map with Planet APIs
This tutorial will cover how to build a basic web mapping application that utilizes Planet's APIs.
30 min
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
Creating a Mosaic in Python
In this guide, you'll learn how to create a composite image (or mosaic) from multiple PlanetScope scenes that cover an area of interest (AOI).
30 min
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
Rest APIs
In this guide, you'll learn some common API-related terms, and get a general introduction to how data can be transmitted online.
30 min
On-Demand Courses English APIs auto-registration
Satellite Imagery
Learn the basics of working with Satellite Imagery in this short tutorial.
10 min
On-Demand Courses English Remote Sensing auto-registration
Simplifying Geometries
An introduction to common geometry simplification routines.
On-Demand Courses English GIS auto-registration
XYZ Tiles and "Slippy Maps"
Learn about using Slippy Maps with Planet's tiling service.
10 min
On-Demand Courses English GIS
High Res How To: For Tropical Forests (FRENCH)
GFOI's hosted webinar series to learn how to use the universally available high resolution satellite imagery of tropical forests. Available in English, French and Spanish.
1 hr 30 min
NICFI Recorded Webinars French auto-registration
Agile EO Webinar Series: PlanetScope Quality Improvements
View this recorded webinar for a look into the improvements to PlanetScope data quality across a number of dimensions – from spectral band alignment, to removing artifacts, and more!
English Recorded Webinars
Mongabay: How to Use Forest Monitoring Tools - Webinar June 2022
This webinar is designed to provide journalists with the necessary skills to use forest monitoring tools.
1 hr 17 min
NICFI English Recorded Webinars auto-registration
Community AMA: Mike Merit, Chief Customer Officer at Planet
Join us in conversation with Planet's leaders in an opportunity to hear more about what is on their mind, and ask your questions!
English Recorded Webinars
Horizon Workshop October 2022 - APAC
This workshop provides dynamic business, product, and Planet updates from subject matter experts and executives from your region.
Kickstarting Your Science With Planet
Learn best practices from Planeteers for using Planet Explorer and more!
124 min
English Recorded Webinars Science Programs auto-registration
High Res How To: For Tropical Forests (SPANISH)
GFOI's hosted webinar series to learn how to use the universally available high resolution satellite imagery of tropical forests. Available in English, French and Spanish.
1 hr 23 min
NICFI Recorded Webinars Spanish
Agile EO: Explore 2023 Product Updates
Join us for an inside look into the product innovations revealed and discussed at Explore 2023, Planet’s annual conference that brings together Earth observation leaders to network, engage, and share the latest in Earth data.
English Recorded Webinars auto-registration
Agile EO: Improved Cloud Masking with Planet's UDM2.1
Watch this Agile EO webinar to learn about UDM2.1’s performance improvements and ensure you can surface more usable data over your AOIs.
English Recorded Webinars
Stay Tuned for More Live Events Coming Soon!
Not currently available
Live Webinars unclickable
Access High Resolution Satellite Data to Tackle Tropical Deforestation - Webinar Mar 2021
GEO’s Secretariat introduces the NICFI Satellite Data Program.
60 min
NICFI English Recorded Webinars auto-registration
High-Resolution Delivery Upgrades
View the following video to learn more about improvements to how SkySat data is collected and delivered
6 min
English Recorded Webinars auto-registration