
I will vote. But, I want you to know.

Those of you who are the most fervent advocates for it are often the ones who make me most doubt its effectiveness. You make me want to stay home from the poll.

You who so strongly advocate voting so often do very little else to improve the world. Many of the loudest shouting “vote! Vote!” Will do almost nothing once their candidate is in power. You tell us “vote for the lesser of two evils” and then, you forget that they are evil.

I do not want trump to be in power. I will probably vote for Biden. But part of me says “at least when trump was president, these liberals acknowledged something was wrong. At least then, they hated border patrol. They listened when I said something was deeply, truly wrong.”

I would like to be allies with you. I would like to be building the same future. But so many are convinced that as soon as they put a democrat in office, they are done with the work until next election. There is so little interest in actually protecting trans kids, or fighting for abortion, or helping migrants, or stopping genocide; So long as you can feel comfortable, feel at peace, because you think your soul is cleansed by having voted for the “lesser” option.

If I thought you were voting to be strategic, to ward off fascism while you build a survivable alternative, I would have little qualms about it. But so often, you do not want an alternative. You only want a more comfortable slide into fascistic domination. And that always gives me pause.


I understand the anger and frustration that draws people to Jill Stein but she is not a good candidate, on the merits.

“Pro-choice” Jill Stein was backed by anti-abortion, pro-Trump billionaire, Bernie Marcus. Marcus has given money to the RGA, who supported anti-abortion governors Brian Kemp and Doug Mastriano.

“Pro-choice” Jill Stein has been playing cover for Trump’s attack on Roe v. Wade. She has never criticized him for it but instead blamed Biden.

“Anti-war” Jill Stein has called the continuing genocide of Ukrainians a Russian-US proxy war. Calling the Ukrainian struggle freedom a US plot to get military assets closer to Russia. She claimed that the US not the Ukrainian people installed a government hostile to Russia.

“Anti-war” Jill Stein is a longtime contributor to Russian Propaganda Network - RT. The picture of her sitting across the table for Putin is from a gala celebrating the 10th anniversary of RT. If elected, would Ukrainians qualify for military aid?

“Anti-war” Jill Stein made her millions in part because of lucrative stock holding in military contractors like Raytheon Corp., who make 90% of their profits in military contracts.

“Anti-war” Jill Stein also took money from Lockheed Martin in the 2016 election.

“Pro-worker” Jill Stein took money from Apple and Amazon in the 2016 election.

“Environmentalist” Jill Stein lies about the Biden administration’s climate change laws.

“Environmentalist” Jill Stein had $1 million dollars invested in Exxon, Toho Gas, Conoco Phillips, Duke Energy, and Chevron.

“Pro-Health Care” Jill Stein ignores and lies about the Biden administration expanding the ACA.

“Pro-Health Care” Jill Stein ignored and lies about the Biden administration’s prescription drug reform.

“Pro-Health Care” had lucrative stocks in Pfizer, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, and Allergen.

“Pro-Health Care” Jill Stein had upwards of $1 million dollars invested in big tobacco company, Phillip Morris International. They manufacture Marlboro and 17 other cigarette brands.

“Pro-Immigration” Jill Stein lies about the Biden administration’s immigration policy, claiming it’s the same as Trump’s.

“Leftist” Jill Stein is being propped up and cheered on by the right wing by people like Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, and Megan Kelly.

Jill Stein is a millionaire playing on people’s very justified anger about the actions of the Israeli government.

Jill Stein is a millionaire worth 7 million dollars, who was able to be comfortably retired, with her lucrative investments in the very companies she claims to hate, while regulars Americans were struggling through the Great Recession.

Jill Stein rails against democrats/biden constantly on her YouTube page but there are no videos about her policy. The only time she talks about Trump is to use him as a way to disparage Biden.

The Green Party silenced her opponents within the Green Party. She refused to debate other party members for the nomination.

She is a failed politician who was only true experience as a public official was the local Lexington legislative body. She failed to get elected as Massachusetts governor twice. She failed to get elected as a Massachusetts state representative. She failed to get more than 4% of the vote in both of her presidential runs. She’s not even on the ballot in her home state of Massachusetts. If her own home state doesn’t want her, has never wanted her, why should we want her in the higher office in the country?

Jill Stein isn’t the “Greater good”, she’s a “lesser evil”.


Firstly, if you are an American citizen who will be 18+ by November of 2024 REGISTER TO VOTE! If you aren’t sure double check but please please please make sure you are eligible to vote this fall.

Second: YOUR VOTE MATTERS! I know you’ll be hearing everyday about how voting doesn’t matter or people (many of who are probably not actually democrats or liberals) saying they’d rather not vote.

The Republican Party did not spend millions of dollars after the 2020 election to try and throw out results in Arizona and Georgia because your vote “doesn’t matter”

Georgia, a notoriously red state, did not suddenly become a key battle ground state because your vote “doesn’t matter”

Republican law makers didn’t draft countless new voter laws after the election making it harder to vote because your vote “doesn’t matter”

Republicans aren’t going to be screaming about Biden’s state of mind trying to make it seem like voting for him is throwing away your vote because your vote “doesn’t matter”

YOUR VOTE MATTERS!!! Republicans know this and are terrified of this and will do everything to try and stop you from voting. Whether by laws or by telling you “your vote doesn’t matter. That’s called voter suppression babes. And yeah if you think that voting doesn’t matter even though republicans are doing everything to keep you from voting, then guess what? The Republican’s plans worked.


you guys need to understand my parents left delhi and moved to uttar pradesh because they wanted to live under the BJP this is a personal victory for me lmfao


Will I vote for Joe Biden? Without question.

Would I be happier voting for another Democratic candidate? Absolutely.

Is it already too late in the election process to switch candidates? Unfortunately, almost certainly.

There are deadlines that need to be met to put someone on the ballot, and we are either approaching them or already past them.

We are in a shitty situation. The only candidate we will have in November that won't lead to a dictatorship is a very old man who is now mixing up important names at important press conferences. Not really inspiring confidence.

That being said, I would vote for a literal dead horse over Trump. It's not even close.


These are the most disgusting people:

  • Zionist
  • People voting for Biden or Trump instead of the third one
  • Belos from TOH (That is, a genocidal religious fanatic)
  • Christians accusing Islamists of what they themselves are doing
  • People who believe that if someone is Jewish, they cannot be criticized (Zionism, or classically conservative Jews who are responsible for the platform where you can find works like Mr. Birchum)
  • Religious fanatics who poison your ass because everything you do is a sin to them
  • Conservatives and right-wingers, because they are bigots and in the times of the Third Reich they would attack those who fight fascism because they are too "Woke"
  • Christians who write about Jesus wherever they can and you can't live peacefully because they might jump out of your fridge
  • Andrzej Duda
  • Liberals and their false support for minorities, because in practice they treat them like shit, because they don't like their method of strikes

In short, the most disgusting people

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