Tufts University recognizes and understands that some individuals filing complaints of discrimination, harassment and/or sexual misconduct or who are otherwise involved in an investigation may want their identity to remain anonymous. In all cases, issues of privacy must be balanced against the University's need to thoroughly investigate and to take appropriate action.

OEO reviews all reports received and assesses allegations to determine if further investigation is possible and required. OEO will prioritize reports from/about current community members (e.g. current students, current employees and current patients, etc.). Reports received from third parties, including but not limited to parents, alumni or non-Tufts affiliated and anonymous reporters, will be assessed to determine if OEO has jurisdiction based on the nature and detail of the allegation received to enable further investigation. Due to privacy requirements, OEO is not able to share information with third parties who are reporting on behalf of a Tufts student or employee. In certain circumstances, depending upon the type of allegation or policy implication, OEO may refer a matter to a more appropriate Tufts university administrator and OEO will then defer to their investigative process for their response and handling of the matter. For more information about policies used as part of OEO’s assessment, visit https://oeo.tufts.edu/policies-procedures/. For more information about reporting options, visit https://oeo.tufts.edu/reporting/.

This is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service

Contact campus or local police if you feel this matter requires immediate response.
Tufts University Police Department (TUPD) 617-627-6911 or x66911

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