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Royal Malewane Foundation Projects

Learn more about how our community and conservation initiatives are making a difference.

Counter Poaching Dog Unit

Royal Malewane

A highly specialised unit dedicated to preserving our precious wildlife through strategic counter poaching operations.

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Langutelani Crèche

Royal Malewane

Providing meals and support for a small but impactful community crèche.

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Sigagule Soccer Sponsorship

Royal Malewane

Providing sports equipment, uniforms, and sponsoring tournament prizes for local soccer teams in Sigagule.

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Rhino Conservation

Royal Malewane

Without majestic animals such as the rhino, Royal Malewane would not be able to offer the experience it does today. It is essential that we do our part in promoting conservation and protecting the environment.

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Friends Of Child Protection

Royal Malewane

The Friends of Child Protection (FCP) organization was founded by a group of Cape Town women wanting to assist children that are victims of abuse.

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Sigagule Crèche

Royal Malewane

Royal Malewane is passionate about creating an environment with growth and upliftment. Our Community Development Project is focused on children and education. A visit to the local community is inspiring, humbling and educational.

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Travel Inspiration

Let’s run away together to somewhere picture perfect