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Exceptional Experiences

Each Perfect Stay is made up of experiences that engage your senses and settle in your memories long after you’ve returned home.

Safari vehicle


Unearth the essence of Africa at Royal Malewane and reset to the rhythm of the wild. Tap into the knowledge and passion that defines our guiding team and let a renewed sense of discovery elevate your safari experience.

Art piece of lady called "In her own words".

Art & Culture

Step into the cultural heart of Cape Town at The Silo Hotel and allow African art shift to your perspective. Feel the beat of the city, escape into its urban playground, and explore nature in the mountains and at the shore.



Indulge your senses and enjoy the sophistication of simplicity at La Residence. Fertile soil gives life to sun-kissed vineyards, cycle tracks trace old farm roads, and family festivities are found in the historic Franschhoek village.



Let the sea air reinvigorate your being at Birkenhead House, where ocean adventures meet mountain paths carved along the coast. Lap up the sun, salt, and champagne sunsets as you watch whales passing in the blue beyond.


Discover the ways we support conservation and communities