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Birkenhead House Foundation Projects

Learn more about how our community and conservation initiatives are making a difference.

Masibulele Creche

Birkenhead House

The crèche was opened in 1993 and in 2000 Sweetness took over as the principal. Today they look after about 80 children from infants to 5 years old.

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Dyer Island Conservation Trust

Birkenhead House

Birkenhead House is situated on the beautiful coastline of Hermanus. It is our responsibility to ensure that our stretch of coastline is kept pristine and we do everything we can to protect the precious marine life.

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Friends Of Child Protection

Birkenhead House

The Friends of Child Protection (FCP) organization was founded by a group of Cape Town women wanting to assist children that are victims of abuse.

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Pack For A Purpose

Birkenhead House

We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travellers to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination.

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Feeding Schemes

Birkenhead House

Through The Royal Portfolio Foundation, Birkenhead House works to support communities in need of food security, and the best way we can have impact is through partnering with educare centres where vulnerable children are given safe housing, warm meals, and developmental support.

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Be Inspired

Let’s run away together to a place that’s picture-perfect