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Results 1 - 25 of 963

YearAuthor Title Instruments Access to data Fulltext ADS
2024 Byrne, Xander et al. Quasar Island - three new z 6 quasars, including a lensed candidate, identified with contrastive learning
EFOSC2 0100.A-0346, 098.A-0439, 112.25VZ 2024MNRAS.530..870B
2024 Uzundag, Murat et al. A comprehensive search for hot subdwarf stars using Gaia and TESS. I. Pulsating hot subdwarf B stars
EFOSC2 0103.D-0511 2024A&A...684A.118U
2024 Gkini, A. et al. SN 2020zbf: A fast-rising hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova with strong carbon lines
EFOSC2, XSHOOTER 106.216C, 106.21L3, 108.220C 2024A&A...685A..20G
2024 Dastidar, Raya et al. SN 2019nyk: A rapidly declining Type II supernova with early interaction signatures
EFOSC2 1103.D-0328 2024A&A...685A..44D
2024 Schulze, Steve et al. 1100 days in the life of the supernova 2018ibb. The best pair-instability supernova candidate, to date
EFOSC2, FORS2, SOFI, XSHOOTER 105.20PL, 106.216C, 106.21BH, 108.220C, 108.22Q4, 1103.D-0328, 199.D-0143, 2102.D-5026, 2104.D-5006 2024A&A...683A.223S
2024 Clark, Peter et al. Long-term follow-up observations of extreme coronal line emitting galaxies
EFOSC2 106.216C, 1103.D-0328 2024MNRAS.528.7076C
2024 García-Pérez, A. et al. Powerful Radio Sources in the Southern Sky. III. First Results of the Optical Spectroscopic Campaign
EFOSC2, MUSE 10.18727/archive/41, 10.18727/archive/42
105.205K, 110.23Q3
2024 Dux, Frédéric et al. Nine lensed quasars and quasar pairs discovered through spatially extended variability in Pan-STARRS
EFOSC2 106.218K 2024A&A...682A..47D
2024 Ferrari, Lucía et al. The metamorphosis of the Type Ib SN 2019yvr: late-time interaction
EFOSC2, FORS2 105.20DF, 106.216C, 1103.D-0328 2024MNRAS.529L..33F
2024 Aamer, Aysha et al. A precursor plateau and pre-maximum [O II] emission in the superluminous SN2019szu: a pulsational pair-instability candidate
EFOSC2 106.216C, 108.220C, 1103.D-0328 2024MNRAS.52711970A
2024 Pearson, Jeniveve et al. Strong Carbon Features and a Red Early Color in the Underluminous Type Ia SN 2022xkq
EFOSC2, SOFI 108.220C 2024ApJ...960...29P
2023 Pasham, Dheeraj R. et al. The Birth of a Relativistic Jet Following the Disruption of a Star by a Cosmological Black Hole
EFOSC2 108.220C 2023NatAs...7...88P
2023 Sit, Tawny et al. Long-rising Type II Supernovae in the Zwicky Transient Facility Census of the Local Universe
EFOSC2 108.220C, 199.D-0143 2023ApJ...959..142S
2023 Pursiainen, M. et al. SN 2023emq: A Flash-ionized Ibn Supernova with Possible C III Emission
EFOSC2, FORS2, XSHOOTER 108.220C, 111.2645 2023ApJ...959L..10P
2023 Ho, Anna Y. Q. et al. Minutes-duration optical flares with supernova luminosities
ALMA_Band_6, ALMA_Band_7, ALMA_Band_8, EFOSC2, ULTRACAM_NTT 108.220C, 110.23W0, 2022.A.00010.T 2023Natur.623..927H
2023 Dux, Frédéric et al. PS J2107−1611: A new wide-separation, quadruply imaged lensed quasar with flux ratio anomalies
EFOSC2 106.218K 2023A&A...679L...4D
2023 Kuncarayakti, H. et al. The broad-lined Type-Ic supernova SN 2022xxf and its extraordinary two-humped light curves. I. Signatures of H/He-free interaction in the first four months
EFOSC2, SOFI, XSHOOTER 106.216C, 108.220C, 110.25A0 2023A&A...678A.209K
2023 Srivastav, Shubham et al. Unprecedented Early Flux Excess in the Hybrid 02es-like Type Ia Supernova 2022ywc Indicates Interaction with Circumstellar Material
EFOSC2, SOFI 108.220C 2023ApJ...956L..34S
2023 Moore, T. et al. SN 2022jli: A Type Ic Supernova with Periodic Modulation of Its Light Curve and an Unusually Long Rise
EFOSC2 108.220C 2023ApJ...956L..31M
2023 Liu, Bin et al. Active Asteroid 311P/PanSTARRS: Rotational Instability as the Origin of its Multitails?
EFOSC2 184.C-1143 2023AJ....166..156L
2023 Ertini, K. et al. SN 2021gno: a calcium-rich transient with double-peaked light curves
EFOSC2, FORS2 105.20DF, 1103.D-0328 2023MNRAS.526..279E
2023 Dover, L. et al. Physical modelling of near-Earth asteroid (23187) 2000 PN9 with ground-based optical and radar observations
EFOSC2 106.21C1, 185.C-1033 2023MNRAS.525.4581D
2023 Nicholl, M. et al. AT 2022aedm and a New Class of Luminous, Fast-cooling Transients in Elliptical Galaxies
EFOSC2, SOFI 108.220C 2023ApJ...954L..28N
2023 Desai, Dhvanil D. et al. Fast and not-so-furious: Case study of the fast and faint Type IIb SN 2021bxu
EFOSC2 106.216C, 108.220C 2023MNRAS.524..767D
2023 McGruder, Chima D. et al. ACCESS, LRG-BEASTS, and MOPSS: Featureless Optical Transmission Spectra of WASP-25b and WASP-124b
EFOSC2 0100.C-0822 2023AJ....166..120M

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