• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the current Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

Search results

  1. WebHostingAce

    Issue Access Mysql from Docker

    Sorry, I didn't mention this in my above post. Please try this. Create this docker via command line. #docker run --network host --name=Wiki requarks/wiki Then the settings. You should be able to connect to local DB without allowing local DB to connect from external connections or the...
  2. WebHostingAce

    Issue Access Mysql from Docker

    I might be wrong.. but the docker instant should be able to access the Local DB without above option or the firewall settings. I have done this before. Did you try both localhost and for the DB settings in your Docker Instant? By the way which docker is this?
  3. WebHostingAce

    Question Docker Environment Variables

    What docker is this? Have you tried the CLI? docker run -d -v /path/to/private-key.pem:/app/private-key.pem -e PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=/app/private-key.pem your_image
  4. WebHostingAce

    Plesk Firewall Extension and Almalinux 8.10 Network Issue

    Thank you Everyone! A warning that firewalld is running when enabling the Plesk Firewall extension would have saved at least 3 hours for me. :D Most of the Almalinux 8 images I have worked with came the firewalld disabled. Unfortunately this hosting company image had the firewalld enabled by...
  5. WebHostingAce

    Plesk Firewall Extension and Almalinux 8.10 Network Issue

    Thank you for your reply. My VM has a IPv6 address by default and I added an extra one as well. So could you please add a IPv6 address and try again? I can recreate this issue every time. Also I'm happy to give you access to a freshly created VM with issue. It took me some time to figure out...
  6. WebHostingAce

    Plesk Firewall Extension and Almalinux 8.10 Network Issue

    Username: TITLE Plesk Firewall Extension and Almalinux 8.10 Network Issue PRODUCT, VERSION, OPERATING SYSTEM, ARCHITECTURE Almalinux 8.10 Plesk Obsidian Version 18.0.62 Update #1 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION When you install and activate Plesk Firewall extension. The network almost become...
  7. WebHostingAce

    Issue This is a default webpage generated for [domain] by Plesk

    If the server has multiple IPs, Please make sure 2 domains DNS is point to the correct IP address. Thats the last thing I can think of right now. Sorry.
  8. WebHostingAce

    Issue This is a default webpage generated for [domain] by Plesk

    That's very unusual. You have mentioned that you have tried "plesk repair web" as well. Please check the Document Root for the 2 domain ain't working. Under Hosting & DNS > Hosting If you are trying to point all 3 domains to the same index.html. The Document Path should be httpdocs Or you...
  9. WebHostingAce

    Issue This is a default webpage generated for [domain] by Plesk

    Please try to restart both Apache and NGINX services via the Plesk Panel or Command Line.
  10. WebHostingAce

    Resolved Error when adding docker proxy rule to domain

    It turned out to be in newer OSs, The Plesk is Binding Apache on The Plesk has already implemented a command to change this behavior. :) #plesk bin apache --listen-on-localhost false
  11. WebHostingAce

    Resolved Error when adding docker proxy rule to domain

    Hi @yehudith, Could you please tell me the Varnish Backend configuration you have? I'm trying million12/Varnish with AlmaLinux 8.9 and I get Error 503 Backend fetch failed. I tried various configurations, but the same result. Thank you in advanced.
  12. WebHostingAce

    Question Redis on server vs Docker container

    My personal preference is Docker.
  13. WebHostingAce

    Question SSL in principal domain

    I'd say.. add the Plesk URL as server.domain.net (In a subdomain) then add the main domain to the Plesk and assign a SSL.
  14. WebHostingAce

    Question SSL in principal domain

    Please use the Plesk to issue the SSLs for the Domains. Manage via Plesk
  15. WebHostingAce


    Please see https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/20033524944663-Does-Plesk-support-Ubuntu-24-04-LTS-Noble-Numbat
  16. WebHostingAce

    Issue added Ipv6 after reboot plesk not loading

    This issue explained here could be related to cloud-init. try, #sudo touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled
  17. WebHostingAce

    Question Nginx breaks Magento 2

    Please see the Plesk Logs for the domain first. Then you can see what is the actual issue is. Have you tried this in the Developer mode? If your website is currently in the Production mode, changing the home directory may cause this issue.
  18. WebHostingAce

    Question upload files larger than 16mb to plesk

    Its under PHP settings. Please see both post_max_size(Description) and upload_max_filesize
  19. WebHostingAce

    Issue Something is blocking PayPal IPN requests

    On a browser, try to access the complete URL mentioned on the image you have provided then check the access log for this subscription. Also you can use the website such as Postman to POST to this URL and see if there are any errors occurs.
  20. WebHostingAce

    Issue Something is blocking PayPal IPN requests

    Have you set up the IPN URL in PayPal? I'm not sure if you can request the IPN from Paypal. IPN is send by the Paypal to the website.