Stop child Marriages in the USA

Learn the facts about child brides. then take action

*** Message your State Officials ***

Thirteen States have Eliminated Child Marriage:

  • New Hampshire (2024)
  • Virginia (2024)
  • Washington (2024)
  • Michigan (2023)
  • Vermont (2023)
  • Connecticut (2023)
  • Massachusetts(2022)
  • New York(2021)
  • Rhode Island(2021)
  • Minnesota (2020),
  • Pennsylvania (2020)
  • New Jersey (2018)
  • Delaware(2018)

*The remaining 37 states still ALLOW CHILD MARRIAGES

Devastating Consequences of
Early Marriage

Early End to Education
Lower Wages, Poverty
Increased Risk of Domestic Violence
Higher Divorce Rates
Higher risk of HIV and other
sexually transmitted diseases
Early, frequent and higher risk pregnancies

Source: Unchained at Last Devastating Consequences

Impact of Child Marriage

You can make the difference

Get Involved to
End Child Marriage In YOUR State

Your Action can help save a child from the disastrous consequences.

Send a Letter Below

Demand 18 Years Old
– No Exceptions

Until every state — and every country –
enacts legislation to protect children,
particularly young girls,
from being forced into marriage,
thousands of children in the USA
are at risk of missing out on education
and the chance to be a child.

UNICEF USA and Zonta International have joined forces to raise awareness and enact change to end child marriage globally and locally, right here in the U.S., with the ultimate goal of ensuring that girls fully enjoy their childhood free from the risk of child marriage.