"A walk in nature walks the soul back home." – Mary Davis

Have you ever had someone tell you that you need to go out and touch some grass? It's usually said when we're just a little on edge, and maybe making things a bigger deal than they need to be. While this phrase might be said with some degree of sarcasm, it may actually hold some truth. This summer, especially after a long academic year, it might do you some good to go out and touch some grass—especially if you've been feeling a little burnt out.

Need some convincing on how going outside can be good for you? You're in luck! Here are five reasons you should consider going outside into nature and let it soothe your troubles.

  1. Sunlight: Nature's medicine. There are so many benefits of allowing your body to get some natural sunlight. Kemper and Shannon (2007) sought to identify alternative methods to treatment and zeroed in on the many benefits of sunlight. These included quicker recovery during hospital stays, improved school performance, and reduced instances of illness. Have you ever stepped out of a chilly office building and into the sun, sighing as you felt it warm your body? It's a little like being hugged by the Earth. Lean into that feeling this summer, and let yourself take in as much sunlight as you can (and, of course, don't forget your sunscreen!).
  2. Nature is grounding. It can be so easy to get caught up in the tedious tasks that make up our day-to-day life, whether we're in the clinical field, the research field, the academic field, or another line of work entirely. We can easily get swept away by the running to-do lists in our heads. Try going outside and doing some grounding techniques to bring you out of that floating cloud above your head and back into your body. Try this next time you're outside: name five things you see, four things you can physically feel, three things you hear, two things you smell, and one thing you're grateful for. Bringing ourselves back into the moment can be a great way to re-center ourselves and notice beauty that we might have missed otherwise!
  3. Get those steps in. In addition to the beautiful sights you might see, going outside can be a great opportunity for you to move your body. For those of us who work jobs that don't involve a lot of movement, this can be especially necessary. Walking can get your blood flowing and yield a crop of positive health benefits, including lower blood pressure and improved bone health (Wattanapisit & Thanamee). During your next lunch break, take a few laps around your building or through any pretty scenery that might surround you. Your body will thank you!
  4. Make it social. Summertime is a great time to do outdoorsy things with the people you love. Ride a bike, go to the beach, take a walk, or do any assortment of things. We are born into communities and we thrive within them. Think about how you and your loved ones can get outside this summer and go on a healing journey together.
  5. Rest for our minds and bodies is not optional. We often treat rest like a privilege or something that we have to earn. Furthermore, we tend to think of rest as lying down and closing our eyes. Sleep is restful, but it is not the only way that our bodies, minds, and spirits can find rest. In connecting with nature, we're connecting with the world in a way that our ancestors did, which we've lost in much of the way we live in our modern world. We remember that we are tiny dots on a beautiful flourishing globe and, when we remember that, it can make our problems feel smaller than they did before. When we go out into nature and simply exist, taking in the sights, sounds, and sensations without worrying about the next thing on our to-do lists, we allow our bodies and minds the rest they desperately need. Not for the sake of being more productive, but because we shouldn't only value ourselves for what we do but also for who we are and the fact that we exist.

Do you feel like you're hanging on by a thread after a wearisome academic year? You just might need to go touch some grass, then. Regularly, and for as long as you can afford to. It could make a world of difference in how you feel right now and even how you show up in the fall. We are our best selves when we allow ourselves moments of rest, so make time to give yourself some as we enter the summer season!