Science: Single Presenter

Single Paper Session

A single paper session is comprised of four presentations on similar topics, selected by reviewers. This allows submitters to have their science considered as a single paper without putting together a full symposium. Data has to have been collected by time of submission.


  • PPT upload (recommended)
  • 15-minute video/audio recording (recommended)
  • 70-minute session with four presenters for live presentation

Poster - Single Presenter

Posters, presented in person, are the most common form of convention programming. Posters are grouped in sessions based on their keywords. Undergraduate presenters who want to attend in person should submit a poster.


  • PDF Poster upload (recommended)
  • 5-minute video/audio recording (optional)
  • 60-minute session for live engagement with traditional poster board

Roundtable Unconference 

Pitch your ideas. Discuss lessons learned. Showcase best practices. Have a casual conversation about recent scientific issues and discoveries. This presentation format is ideal for someone who doesn't have data to present but would like the opportunity to connect with colleagues and be included in the program. Roundtable unconferences are scheduled during two 70-minute sessions. There will be numbered tables in the room and presenters will be assigned a slot at a designated table. Attendees will be able to rotate among the tables to talk with all presenters.


  • Handout upload (optional) 
  • 70-minute roundtable presented live

Data Blitz

Want a lot of science fast? Data blitzes offer rapid-fire presentations in which psychologists share key highlights from their research in five-minute chunks. These popular sessions are attendees' best chance to capture the span of the field in one session. Data has to have been collected by time of submission.


  • PPT upload (recommended)
  • 5-minute video/audio recording (recommended)
  • 70-minute session with up to 11 presenters

Science: Group Presentation


With over 80 symposia offered, these 70-minute sessions give attendees the chance to hear three to four presentations. The content of symposia is entirely scientific, providing a look into cutting-edge research. Data has to have been collected by time of submission.


  • PPT/Handout upload (recommended)
  • 70-minute session
  • 10-15-minute video/audio recording of each speaker (recommended)

Professional Development/Training

Professional Development Sessions

These sessions introduce attendees to topics and content that will further their growth in the field and are not tied directly to specific research. Professional development sessions are 70 minutes long, scheduled concurrently with symposia.


  • PPT/Handout upload (recommended)
  • 70-minute session

Professional Development Workshop

Workshops provide an in-depth learning experience, focused on a specific topic. Workshops are 2.5-4 hours long and can include presentations, panels, debates, hands-on activities, demonstrations, and roundtable discussions. 


  • PPT/Handout upload (recommended)
  • 2-4-hour presentations

Other Programming Types


As part of the SPSP Annual Convention, leaders in the field organize mini-conferences focused on specific areas of study and research. These preconferences (scheduled to be in person as well as virtual) kick off the convention and give attendees the unique opportunity to gather with colleagues who share their academic and research interests. These sessions can include speakers, discussions, networking lunches with experts, and poster presentations.

Note: Registration for Preconferences will open when convention registration opens in September.  

Invited Session

Invited sessions will cover timely issues important to the psychological sciences, ranging from national policy discussions to conversations on big data and evolutionary processes.