We're your web people.

For over fifteen years, we’ve offered web design and development for nonprofits, civic institutions, foundations, community organizations, educational initiatives, and select small businesses in New York City and beyond.

We’re local, real people – no automated phone menus to scream at, or obscure AI chatbots to do battle with here.

We know all about nonprofit boards and ambitions, small teams wearing many hats, and the passionate individuals who propel everyone forward. We’re here for you to lean on as we facilitate the process, and remain in partnership after launch as your communications grow and evolve.

No matter what your role — mission-driven activist, educator, advocate, or non-profit leader — we are here to partner with you and your staff to make your job easier and make your work better.

From social justice to the environment to livable streets and community organizing, including healthcare and mental health sector, food and agriculture, housing and human services, and science, technology and medicine, we believe in working hard to make the world a better place.

Let us help you with:

Consulting & Strategy

The people who power Social Ink aren’t just computer people – we are passionate about exploring the social meaning of technology. Our founders have degrees in anthropology and media theory and we ground our work in this bigger picture expertise. With over fifteen years in business, we are positioned to help you get your plan right from the outset. Bring us in for a consultancy or strategy planning session and we’ll help translate your web needs into language everyone can understand, help you know what to watch out for, avoid technobabble, and get you on the right footing before embarking into the unknown.

  • Early Stage Planning
  • Content & Brand Strategy
  • Web Marketing and SEO
  • Content Management

Needs Assessment and Discovery

Many clients come to us with problematic existing sites.  The problems range from the big, like hacks, old users with needless content entry, to the small.  Comments left on random pages. Page titles aren’t working.  We can fix those.

We also specialize in undoing what we call “3rd party addiction,” such as sites built in outdated template frameworks or using frustrating plugins like Elementor. We work from the ground up with you to rebuild these sites, sometimes keeping the same look n’ feel and other times making little tweaks that make your site not just run better, but allow you easier, more intuitive content entry.

Website Planning

Our focused discovery process helps you figure out everything you need – and what you don’t need – for a new website, including content and brand strategy (editorial and technical), third-party vendor evaluation, and user experience research
  • Needs Assessment & Requirements Analysis
  • Analytics (site traffic analysis)
  • Third-party Systems Evaluation
  • User Experience (UX) Research & Analysis


Our design services cover the range of brand and identity creation, web design, data visualization and infographic work, and peripheral print applications. From comprehensive brand guidelines down to refinements of color palette, typography, or logo, through user interface applications and onto business cards, year end reports, and other publications, we’ve got you covered.

  • Web Design
  • Branding & Visual Identity Design
  • Data Visualization
  • Graphic and Print Design

Hosting, Code & Technology

Our coding and development work is core to our offerings. Rooted in custom work within open-source, robust CMS options, when we build your website, we do it away from your server, in a secure private environment. You’ll be able to make changes without affecting your traffic and engage in QAT internally before launch. Beyond custom CMS work, we can help build a secure payments system, membership system, or data-driven visualization interactive. We also specialize in tying everything together, offering integrations with SalesForce, Stripe, Eventbrite, and more.

  • CMS Website Development
  • Data Interactives
  • 3rd Party Web Integrations
  • Hosting Migration and Server Management

Troubleshooting and Existing Platform Support

We’ve worked with almost every tech platform you can imagine, and many that live behind the scenes, from GoDaddy to Dreamhost, Shopify to SquareSpace, Cloudflare, and beyond. Need assistance moving to a new host from an old one? Lost control of a domain and lost the passwords to find it? We can help.

We also offer a suite of services for monthly support work on your site, officially functioning as your web support people whenever you need it. We’ll secure your site, handle weirdly sized images, and perform all kinds of security sweeps to make sure nothing is off. We can train folks on your end in whatever systems you may want, too!

  • Security updates and site backups
  • Content management assistance
  • Ad-hoc design changes
  • Staff and admin support

We are a different kind of web agency,
focused on purpose-driven clientele:

Nonprofits and NGOs

Cornerstones of a just civil society, we help activist nonprofits like City Harvest feed hungry New Yorkers in need, maintain nonprofit networks with the Orr Group, connect community players with the Red Hook Hub and build data-rich sites for NGOs like the United Nations to help its 200,000+ members smoothly navigate their pensions.

Cities, Parks & Civic Spaces

We have a long history of work focusing on cities and the built environment, working with architects, designers, planners, and other stewards of the cityscape. From virtual green spaces for city parks like Fort Tryon Park and Freshkills Park, to coalitions such as NACTO and the Global Designing Cities Initiative, to architectural and design practices like ASAP, we’re working to build better spaces and places, online and off.

Social Justice & Big Data

Organizing & People Power

We believe in the people power of unions like the Health Professionals and Allied Employees bringing tri-state nurses together, Hand in Hand: the Domestic Employers Network, the National Young Farmers Coalition, and the American Federation of Musicians, the world’s largest union of musicians. These sites, like the United Steelworkers Local 4-200 union, help members negotiate the labor world and ensure a fair living and fair care. Work with journalism projects such as Waging Nonviolence and political organizing platforms such as Working Families rounds out our work bringing power to the people.

Artists & the Performing Arts

Education and Institutions

Healthcare, Community Outreach, Science and Technology

Bridging the gap between philanthropy-powered research, university labs, mental health outreach, and community health services.

Interfaith Organizations

Partnering with interfaith organizations in New York and beyond, helping foster service and purpose driven work across diverse communities.