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Appendix 5: Bylaws of the Faculties of UCSD

Bylaws and Regulations of the Faculty of the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Approved by the Faculty of the School 11/20/02, Approved by The San Diego Division 2/25/03, Am 10/28/08, Am 4/12/16, Am 2/6/18
  • I)
    The Faculty of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS) shall govern and supervise the School (SBL 50). The Faculty shall authorize and supervise all courses and curricula for Doctor of Pharmacy students and advise the Dean on resources necessary to implement the curriculum. The Faculty shall be responsible for determining the conditions for admission, for testing and promotion of students, for determining the requirements for being awarded the Doctor of Pharmacy degree, and recommending to the President candidates for the degree.

    The Faculty shall be responsible for selecting, training, and certifying students in Graduate Pharmacy Education Programs. The Faculty shall participate in selecting, training, and certifying graduate students to the Graduate Dean, for research degrees. The Faculty shall also participate in the training of other professionals.

    The Faculty shall engage in teaching, research and service in the biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences, health care or related fields, so as to fulfill the responsibility of the University to develop, transmit and apply new knowledge in the health sciences.

  • MEMBERSHIP Am 4/12/16

    The Faculty of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences shall consist of: 

    • A)
      Members of the Academic Senate who hold appointments in the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
    • B)
      Members of the Academic Senate who hold appointments in the departments affiliated with the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and are engaged primarily in instruction for the school.
    • C)
      Other faculty who hold appointments in the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and who devote most of their professional effort in support of the School.
    Faculty as defined in Bylaw II shall have the privilege of voting, with the provision that voting privileges shall be exercised in compliance with Legislative Ruling 12.75, in that non-Senate members may vote only on questions that will be referred for final Senate action to another Senate agency.
  • OFFICERS Am 4/12/16
    Two SSPPS faculty, "Senate Faculty Only" shown as (SFO) in these By-Laws will serve as representatives to the Health Sciences Faculty Council for a minimum one year term.
  • V)
    MEETINGS Am 4/12/16
    The Faculty shall meet at least twice during the academic year and, in addition, on written request of at least five members of the Faculty. Notice of a faculty meeting must be given at least five days in advance of each meeting. The number equal to 25% of the voting faculty shall be considered a quorum.
  • COMMITTEES Am 4/12/16
    For all standing committees of the Faculty, if not otherwise specified by the committee, a quorum shall consist of one half of the voting membership, plus one.

    The standing committees of the Faculty shall consist of:

    • A)
      Committee on Educational Policy (CEP) EC 4/12/16

      The CEP shall consist of a chair (SFO) and at least four faculty members.

      The function of the CEP shall be to represent the Faculty in all educational matters, especially regarding the curriculum fo rundergraduate, graduate and continuing education and other aspects of educational policy. It has authority to take action on all educational matters that do not require a vote of the Faculty. The committee is charged with continuous study of the curriculum leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy degree and of the postgraduate professional programs.

      The CEP shall review and evaluate the curriculum leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy degree and the Postgraduate Pharmacy Education programs. CEP shall represent the Faculty in its role in all educational matters, especially regarding the curriculum for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing pharmacy education and other aspects of educational policy. The CEP shall maintain an ongoing evaluation of the curriculum leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy degree and Postgraduate Pharmacy Education programs. The CEP shall appoint subcommittees, as necessary to achieve its goals of review. The CEP shall make recommendations to the Faculty of the School, regarding initiation or discontinuance of core courses of instruction. The CEP shall have authority to take action on educational matters which do not require a vote of the Faculty.  The CEP shall establish liaison and coordination with the Academic Senate, Faculty Council and School of Medicine Committee on Educational Policy, the Graduate Council, and appropriate student organizations.

    • B)
      Academic Oversight Committee (AOC) Am 4/12/16

      The Academic Oversight Committee shall consist of a chair (SFO) and at least four faculty members.

      The committee will be concerned with the academic performance of students. The AOC is charged with examining the records, at the end of each quarter, of all students and determining if a student is in good academic standing and is ready for promotion. Prior to graduation, the committee will review all student records to certify to that each graduating student has met the requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree at the UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 

      The committee shall also deal with student affairs matters (for example, student life, academic dishonesty, ethical and professional behavior) other than those concerned with the admissions process. 

    • C)
      Admissions Committee (AC) Am 4/12/16

      The Admissions Committee shall consist of a chair (SFO) and at least four faculty members.

      The AC will develop and implement the terms and conditions for the admission of Doctor of Pharmacy students, including the educational requirements, policies, and procedures for their selection. AC shall have responsibility for determining the sequence or admission of qualified candidates, and shall participate in and oversee all aspects of the admissions process. AC shall report to the Faculty at least annually. 

    • D)

      Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Committee on Academic Personnel (SSPPSCAP) Am 4/12/16

      The SSPPSCAP shall consist of a chair (SFO) and at least four members of the full-time faculty. All members of the committee must be members of the Academic Senate.The SSPPS Dean shall recommend two candidates for each open position on the committee.

      The SSPPSCAP will review Clinical X and Health Sciences Clinical faculty files in the SSPPS for appointments, appraisals, promotions, and accelerations. The SSPPSCAP will advise the SSPPS Dean on academic personnel matters.

    • E)
      Ad Hoc Committees Am 4/12/16

      The SSPPS Dean and Faculty may appoint ad hoc committees for specific purposes and identified short-term needs. 

    Students play a major role in their own professional education; therefore, it is desirable to have student representation on all faculty committees that directly affect students. Students in good academic standing may be appointed to standing and ad hoc committees of the Faculty. Student representatives will be appointed by the student association or other duly constituted groups representing the students. In the absence of students so identified, students may be nominated by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs (or equivalent) and approved by the committee on which they will serve. EC 4/12/16
    Elections will be by mail or electronic ballot to all voting members of the Faculty. Am 4/12/16
    If a vacancy occurs, the position will be filled by a vote of the Faculty. Am 4/12/16
  • X)
    Initiative for amendments to these bylaws may be taken by the Faculty. Such amendments are to be submitted to the Faculty at least five days prior to a meeting at which the proposed amendment will be discussed. Approval of the amendment requires a two-thirds majority vote of the Faculty by mail or electronic ballot.

    No change in the Bylaws may be made that will be in conflict with the Bylaws, Regulations, or Legislative Rulings of the Academic Senate of the University or of the San Diego Division. Am 4/12/16

  • Requirements of the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree (Pharm.D) Am 4/12/16

    Requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D) Degree shall be determined by the Faculty of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS). The following minimum requirements pertain to the award of the Pharm.D. Degree. EC 4/12/16

    • A)
      Admission EC 4/12/16

      To be admitted to the program an applicant must

      • 1)
        be eligible for admission to the University of California
      • 2)
        complete the pre-requisite subject requirements as determined by the Faculty and published annually by the SSPPS EC 4/12/16
      • 3)
        meet the minimum grade point average requirement established by the Faculty EC 4/12/16
      • 4)
        demonstrate a high level of academic achievement, leadership and professional potential, as evidenced by transcripts and letters of recommendation, and
      • 5)
        be evaluated and accepted for admission by the Admissions Committee of the School.
    • B)
      Time Limitations
      The normative registered time to complete the requirements for the Pharm.D. degree is four years. Am 4/12/16
      • 1)
        The maximum registered time to complete the requirements for the degree is five years. Am 4/12/16
      • 2)
        A course may be repeated only one time. Am 4/12/16
      • 3)
        The maximum calendar time allowed to complete the requirements for the Pharm.D. degree is six years. Time spent pursuing other interests, if approved by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs will not be counted as part of this six year limit. Am 4/12/16
    • C)
      Program Am 4/12/16
      • 1)
        Students must complete the required curriculum as determined by the Faculty of the School. EC 4/12/16
      • 2)
        Students must complete each required curriculum course with a grade of (H) honors or (P) pass. Am 4/12/16
      • 3)
        Courses taken prior to admission to the School which are deemed by the instructors of record for a particular required curriculum course to be equivalent to the required course, and for which the student demonstrates required competencies, may be credited toward the degree. The maximum number of units credited for a course may not exceed the number of units assigned for the course in the curriculum. Am 4/12/16
      • 4)
        Elective courses to fulfill the unit requirement for the degree must be taken after admission to the School. Courses taken prior to admission to the School may not be applied toward the elective requirements. Am 4/12/16
    • D)
      Satisfactory Professional Qualifications Am 4/12/16
      • 1)
        Students must demonstrate throughout the curriculum that they possess the professional, ethical, and moral characteristics necessary for professional practice.
  • Evaluation
    • A)
      Student evaluation is based on the following:
      • 1)
        Oral and written examinations
      • 2)
        Performance in laboratory and discussion group activities
      • 3)
        Clinical performance
      • 4)
        Other tools deemed appropriate by the Faculty
  • Grading Policy Am 4/12/16
    • A)
      Grades EC 4/12/16
      • 1)
        The work of all students in those courses designated by the Faculty of SSPPS as required courses will be reported in terms of the following grades: H (honors), P (pass), F (fail), Y (provisionally unsatisfactory), I (incomplete), IP (in progress).
      • 2)
        The work of all students in those courses designated by the Faculty of SSPPS as elective courses will be reported in terms of the following grades: S (satisfactory), U (unsatisfactory), Y (provisionally unsatisfactory), I (incomplete), IP (in progress).
      • 3)
        No grade points per unit shall be assigned.
    • B)
      Definitions of Grades Am 4/12/16
      • 1)
        The H (honors) Grade
        • a)
          The grade H (honors) shall be assigned to those students whose overall performance in a required course is considered to be outstanding.
      • 2)
        The P (pass) Grade Am 4/12/16
        • a)
          The grade P (pass) shall be assigned to those students whose overall performance in a required course meets at least the minimum standard established by the Faculty and is considered satisfactory.
      • 3)
        The F (fail) Grade Am 4/12/16
        • a)
          The grade F (fail) shall be assigned to those students whose overall performance in a required course is unsatisfactory. The F grade will remain on the transcript. EC 4/12/16
        • b)
          In years 1-3, in order to progress through the curriculum, all grades of F must be remediated by repeating the course by the end of next term in which the course is normally given. In accordance with the Progression Policy, in Year 4, the Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) in which the student received an F grade must be repeated. The timing of the repeated APPE will be at the discretion of the Associate Dean for Experiential Education. If a course is repeated, the course will appear a second time on the transcript. Am 4/12/16, Am 5/30/23
      • 4)
        The S (satisfactory) Grade Am 4/12/16
        • a)
          The grade S (satisfactory) shall be assigned to those students whose overall performance in an elective course meets at least the minimum standard established by the faculty and is considered satisfactory.
      • 5)
        The U (unsatisfactory) Grade EC 4/12/16
        • a)
          The grade of U (unsatisfactory) shall be assigned to those students whose overall performance in an elective course is unsatisfactory. The U grade will remain on the transcript.
        • b)
          The U grade in an elective course may be remediated by repeating the course. If a course is repeated, the couse will appear a second time on the transcript.
        • c)
          Courses in which a student receives a final grade of U will not be applied toward meeting the requirements for the Pharm.D. degree.
      • 6)
        The Y (provisionally unsatisfactory) Grade Am 4/12/16
        • a)
          The grade Y (provisionally unsatisfactory) shall be assigned as an initial grade when a student has not performed to a satisfactory level in a course but the instructor wishes to provide for an additional finite period of time for the student to demonstrate competency in the course. EC 4/12/16
        • b)
          The Y grade is replaced with a P (pass) grade for required courses or an S (satisfactory) grade for elective courses when the course requirements have been satisfied within the time determined by the instructor. EC 4/12/16
        • c)
          The Y grade is replaced with an F (fail) grade or U (unsatisfactory) grade if the requirements have not been satisfied within the time determined by the instructor. EC 4/12/16
        • d)
          The time period for satisfactory completion of the course requirements should normally not extend beyond the start of the next academic year, unless a petition, prior to that time, has been approved by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs allowing a further specified period. Should a student not complete the work to the satisfaction of the instructor by the end of the specified period, a grade of F (fail) or U (unsatisfactory) shall be assigned. In order to progress through the curriculum, all grades of F must be remediated. Am 4/12/16
      • 7)
        The I (incomplete) Grade Am 4/12/16, Am 2/6/18
        • a)
          The grade I (incomplete) shall be assigned when a student's work is of passing quality but is incomplete. EC 4/12/16
        • b)
          The student should normally complete the work of the course by the end of the next term in which the student is registered unless a petition, prior to that time, has been approved by the Associate Dean for Pharmacy Education allowing a further specified period. Am 4/12/16, Am 2/6/18
        • c)
          Should the student not complete the work by the end of the next term or not be granted an extension by the Associate Dean for Pharmacy Education, a grade of F (fail) or U (unsatisfactory) shall be assigned. In order to progress through the curriculum, all grades of F must be remediated. Am 4/12/16, Am 2/6/18
      • 8)
        The IP (in progress) Grade EC 4/12/16
        • a)
          The grade IP (in progress) shall be assigned for courses extending over more than one quarter and in which evaluation of a student's performance is deferred until the end of the final quarter of the course. The IP grade shall be replaced by a final grade when the student completes the course sequence.
      • 9)
        The W (withdraw) Grade Am 4/12/16, Am 2/6/18
        • a)
          The grade W (withdraw) shall be assigned when a student has completed some portion of the course (generally up to the first half) and for personal or other reasons, must withdraw from the course. Generally students are not permitted to withdraw after the course midpoint.
        • b)
          The W (withdraw) grade must be approved by the Associate Dean for Pharmacy Education. The Associate Dean for Pharmacy Education may approve exceptions to the assignment of the W grade, including allowing a student to withdraw after the midpoint of a course if there are extenuating circumstances. Am 2/6/18
        • c)
          The W grade will remain on the transcript. If the course is repeated, it will appear a second time on the transcript.
    • C)
      Blank on Students' Transcript En 4/12/16
      • 1)
        If a student's name appears on the end of quarter course list for a course, but no grade is reported, the Registrar will leave a blank for that course on the student's transcript.
      • 2)
        A blank which is not replaced by a grade assigned by th einstructor, after one quarter on a student's record, then will be replaced by an F or U grade.
    • D)
      Grade Appeals EC 4/12/16
      A pharmacy student may appeal a course grade by following procedures described in the SSPPS Grade Appeal Policy.
  • Academic Review
    • A)
      A student with an F (fail) grade in a required course or a student experiencing continued academic difficulties or first time difficulties in multiple courses in a given year may be referred to the Academic Oversight Committee for either an informal academic review or an in-depth academic review, as deemed appropriate by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
    • B)
      Failure to pass a required course normally results in a one-year deceleration of a student’s progress in the curriculum.
  • Dropping Courses Am 4/12/16, Am 2/6/18
    • A)
      Students may drop a required course only with the approval of the Associate Dean for Pharmacy Education. If a student drops a required course after the beginning of the fourth week of instruction and prior to the beginning of the ninth week of instruction, the W grade will be assigned. Am 4/12/16, Am 2/6/18
    • B)
      Students may drop a pre-clinical elective course through the end of the 10th week during the quarter with no course entry appearing on the transcript. Am 2/6/18
    • C)
      Students may drop a clinical elective course prior to the beginning of the fourth week of instruction with no course entry appearing on the transcript. If a student drops a clinical elective course after the beginning of the fourth week of instruction and prior to the beginning of the ninth week of instruction, the W grade will be assigned.
  • Withdrawal, Leaves of Absence, and Discontinuance Without Notice Am 4/12/16
    • A)
      Withdrawal: A withdrawal may be requested by a student when a student has no intention of returning to the Pharm.D. program. Unless approved by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, a student who is subject to dismissal for any reason, may not withdraw.
    • B)
      Leave of Absence: A student who intends to return to the Pharm.D. program may request a leave of absence for personal, professional or medical reasons. A request for a leave of absence must be approved by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. A student who does not return at the end of an approved leave of absence is considered to be dismissed from the School.
    • C)
      Discontinuance without Notice: ONce enrolled, students are expected to continue in the program without interruption, unless approval of a leave of absence is obtained. A student who (1) withdraws from the School without notice, or (2) fails to report after a specified leave of absence, or (3) fails to register for any term within one month after the beginning of that term, is considered academically dismissed from the School without further notice.
    • D)
      Readmission: A student who has withdrawn from the School may reapply through the regular admissions process. If re-accepted, that student would start the program over as a first year pharmacy student. Students who have discontinued without notice, or have been dismissed for any reason, are not eligible for readmission.
  • Academic Disqualification Am 4/12/16
    • A)
      Academic Probation.  A student shall be placed on academic probation
      • 1)
        Upon receipt of one grade of F (fail) in a required course
      • 2)
        Upon receipt of two Y (provisionally unsatisfactory) grades in one academic year.
      • 3)
        Upon failure to remediate a Y grade to a P grade before another Y grade is received.
      • 4)
        If the student’s overall performance at any time is determined by the Academic Oversight Committee to be marginal or unsatisfactory. Am 4/12/16
      • 5)
        A student placed on probation is subject to supervision by the Faculty.
    • B)
      Academic Dismissal.  A student is subject to dismissal Am 4/12/16
      • 1)
        Upon receipt of the F (fail) grade for a course that the student had taken previously and had earned a grade of F (fail), or
      • 2)
        Upon receipt of two F (fail) grades, or Am 4/12/16
      • 3)
        Upon being placed on academic probation a second time, or EC 4/12/16
      • 4)
        If the student’s overall performance at any time is determined by the Academic Oversight Committee to be marginal or  unsatisfactory, or Am 4/12/16
      • 5)
        If the student is pursuing a program of study that, upon projection, cannot be accomplished within five registered years or six calendar years of the date he/she entered as a first year student, or Am 4/12/16
      • 6)
        If in the opinion of the Academic Oversight Committee the student, while on academic probation, is continuing to perform in a marginal or unsatisfactory manner. EC 4/12/16
    • C)
      Academic Misconduct. Upon discovery of substantive evidence of academic misconduct, a student may be subject to suspension or dismissal. The procedures leading to discipline will guarantee procedural minima of due process in accordance with Faculty, School, Academic Senate, and University policies.
  • Professional Disqualification Am 4/12/16
    • A)
      A student shall be subject to professional disqualification, leading to probation or dismissal, if after review by the Academic Oversight Committee of the Faculty of the alleged charges, it is found that the student: Am 4/12/16
      • 1)
        Has manifested or threatened violence against a patient, a fellow student, a fellow professional, staff personnel, faculty member, or others in carrying out his/her professional assignments, or EC 4/12/16
      • 2)
        Has abused professional privileges by taking advantage of professional relationships with patients or others, or has abused other privileges of the profession, such as access to drugs and equipment, or EC 4/12/16
      • 3)
        Has failed to meet professional responsibilities by reason of being mentally incompetent, or by being under the influence of alcohol and/or controlled substances, or EC 4/12/16
      • 4)
        Has been negligent in carrying out professional duties in such a way that harm to a patient has or could result. Am 4/12/16
      • 5)
        Has engaged in other misconduct or violated a policy of the School or the University. En 4/12/16
  • Evaluation of Professionalism Am 4/12/16

    Pharmacy students are required to demonstrate professionalism as described in the SSPPS Guidelines on the Evaluation of Professionalism.

  • Amendments
    • A)
      The Regulations of the School may be amended at any meeting of the Faculty provided the proposed modification has been distributed to the Faculty at least five days before the meeting. Approval requires a majority of the voting members present.
    • B)
      Amendments of Regulation 100 (Requirements of the Pharm.D. Degree) and Regulation 200 (Grades) are subject to approval by the San Diego Division Representative Assembly.
    • C)
      No change in the Regulations may be made that will be in conflict with the Bylaws, Regulations, or Legislative Rulings of the Academic Senate of the University or of the San Diego Division.