Primitive emotional contagion.

E Hatfield, JT Cacioppo, RL Rapson - 1992 -
E Hatfield, JT Cacioppo, RL Rapson
Abstract recently, we have begun to explore...[the] process of emotional contagion/people's
conscious analyses give them a great deal of information about their social
encounters/[people] can also focus their attention on their moment-to-moment emotional
reactions to others, during their social encounters/this stream of reactions comes to them via
their fleeting observations of others' faces, voices, postures, and instrumental
behaviors/further, as they nonconsciously and automatically mimic their companions'�…
recently, we have begun to explore...[the] process of emotional contagion/people's conscious analyses give them a great deal of information about their social encounters/[people] can also focus their attention on their moment-to-moment emotional reactions to others, during their social encounters/this stream of reactions comes to them via their fleeting observations of others' faces, voices, postures, and instrumental behaviors/further, as they nonconsciously and automatically mimic their companions' fleeting expressions of emotion, people also may come to feel as their partners feel/by attending to the stream of tiny moment-to-moment reactions, people can gain a great deal of information on their own and their partners' emotional landscapes
American Psychological Association