Landscape archaeology of Roman gold mining in Lusitania: the 'Aurifer Tagus' project

BX Curr�s, FJ S�nchez-Palencia�- Antiquity, 2021 -
BX Curr�s, FJ S�nchez-Palencia
Taking a landscape-based approach, the Aurifer Tagus project has demonstrated the
significance of gold mining in the Roman province of Lusitania. New radiocarbon dates
reveal the foundation, use and abandonment of the Cov�o do Urso and Mina da Presa
mining sites. Combined with ancient literature, this evidence sheds light on the territory's
organisation and the evolution of its social structure.
Taking a landscape-based approach, the Aurifer Tagus project has demonstrated the significance of gold mining in the Roman province of Lusitania. New radiocarbon dates reveal the foundation, use and abandonment of the Cov�o do Urso and Mina da Presa mining sites. Combined with ancient literature, this evidence sheds light on the territory's organisation and the evolution of its social structure.
Cambridge University Press