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3 results in the last month.

Prevalence of peripheral neuropathy, amputation, and quality of life in patients with diabetes mellitus

W Perveen, H Ahsan, R Shahzad, S Fayyaz, A Zaif…�- Scientific Reports, 2024
… loss occurs because of the distal symmetric sensorimotor polyneuropathy 13 .
Martin CL et … DNP (diabetic peripheral neuropathy) using the Michigan
neuropathy screening instrument (… and amputation provides valuable insights for�…

A Framework for Screening and Early Multifactorial Interventions for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

D Selvarajah
… thresholds is a non-invasive test used to examine impaired small nerve fibre
function. … administered indicator plaster Neuropad for the diagnosis of neuropathy
in diabetes. … related findings in the diabetes control and complications trial/epidemiology�…

Eficacia de complejo B en la correcci�n de la deficiencia de vitamina B12 en pacientes mexicanos con diabetes tipo 2 en tratamiento prolongado con metformina�…

L Sauque-Reyna, M Dami�n-Hern�ndez…�- Atenci�n Primaria Pr�ctica, 2024
… The intervention consisted of intramuscular injections of B-complex, with face-to-face
and telephone follow-up. … No significant improvements were observed in
neuropathy or anemia symptoms. The … peripheral neuropathy in Type 1 diabetes�…
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