PSORT: a program for detecting sorting signals in proteins and predicting their subcellular localization

K Nakai, P Horton�- Trends in biochemical sciences, 1999 -
Trends in biochemical sciences,
Nuclear-localization signals Combined score for various empirical rules ER-lumen-retention
signal The KDEL-like motif at the C-terminus ER-membrane-retention signal Motifs: XXRR-
like (N-terminal) or KKXX-like (C-terminal) Peroxisomal-targeting signal PTS1 motif at the C-
terminus and the PTS2 motif Vacuolar-targeting signal[TIK] LP [NKI] motif Golgi-transport
signal The YQRL motif (preferentially at the cytoplasmic tail) Tyrosine-containing motif
Number of tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic tail Dileucine motif At the cytoplasmic tail�…
Nuclear-localization signals Combined score for various empirical rules ER-lumen-retention signal The KDEL-like motif at the C-terminus ER-membrane-retention signal Motifs: XXRR-like (N-terminal) or KKXX-like (C-terminal) Peroxisomal-targeting signal PTS1 motif at the C-terminus and the PTS2 motif Vacuolar-targeting signal[TIK] LP [NKI] motif Golgi-transport signal The YQRL motif (preferentially at the cytoplasmic tail) Tyrosine-containing motif Number of tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic tail Dileucine motif At the cytoplasmic tail Membrane span (s)/topology Maximum hydrophobicity and the number of predicted 5, 13, 14 spans; charge difference across the most N-terminal transmembrane segment
RNA-binding motif RNP-1 motif 15 Actinin-type actin-binding motifs From PROSITE 15 Isoprenyl motif CaaX motif at the C-terminus GPI-anchor Type-1a membrane protein with very short tail N-myristoylation motif At the N-terminus DNA-binding motifs 63 motifs from PROSITE 15 Ribosomal-protein motifs 71 motifs from PROSITE 15 Prokaryotic DNA-binding motifs 33 motifs from PROSITE 15 Amino acid composition Neural network score that discriminates between 3 cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins
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