[PDF][PDF] Notice of new Jurassic reptiles

OC Marsh�- American Journal of Science, 1879 - ajsonline.org
OC Marsh
American Journal of Science, 1879ajsonline.org
NUMEROUS remains of Reptiles from the Jurassic deposHs of the Rocky Mountains have
recently been received at the Yale Museum, and some of the more interesting Dinosaurs are
here briefly described. These pertain to several distinct groups, and throw considerable light
on the forms already described from the same horizon.* Camptonotus dis par, gen. et Bp.
nov. The present genus is most nearly allled to Laosaurus, but differs in several points. The
cervical vertebrre are all opisthocoolous, while those known in Laosaurus are nearly plane�…
NUMEROUS remains of Reptiles from the Jurassic deposHs of the Rocky Mountains have recently been received at the Yale Museum, and some of the more interesting Dinosaurs are here briefly described. These pertain to several distinct groups, and throw considerable light on the forms already described from the same horizon.*
Camptonotus dis par, gen. et Bp. nov. The present genus is most nearly allled to Laosaurus, but differs in several points. The cervical vertebrre are all opisthocoolous, while those known in Laosaurus are nearly plane. The pubis, moreover, is broad and thin in front of the acetabulum, and directed well forward. It has a deep, well marked articular face for the support of the femur. The ischium is expanded at its distal end, and has an extensive surface for union with its fellow. The femur is longer than the tibia. This genus agrees with Laosauru8 in one important character, namely, the sacral vertebrre are not coossified. That this is not merely a character of immaturity is shown by some of the other vertebrre in the type specimen, which have their neural arches so completely united to tbe centra that the suture is nearly or quite obliterated. To this character of the sacral vel'-tebrre, the name of the present genus refers. With Laosaurus, this genus forms a distinct family, which may be called
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