A notable aggregation of Collembola

O Park�- Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 1949 - academic.oup.com
O Park
Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 1949academic.oup.com
In general, podurid and entomobryid springtails and oribatid mites are the most abundant
arthropods in the litter of the forest floor and are important in the overall formation of organic
soil (Allee, Emerson, Park, Park and Schmidt, 1949). On occasion, certain species of
springtails have been reported as forming aggregations of almost incredible numbers of
individuals. Elton (1927, p. 109), for example, states that swarms of collembolans are said to
have held up a Swiss train, the minute insects covering the rails so heavily that the driving�…
In general, podurid and entomobryid springtails and oribatid mites are the most abundant arthropods in the litter of the forest floor and are important in the overall formation of organic soil (Allee, Emerson, Park, Park and Schmidt, 1949). On occasion, certain species of springtails have been reported as forming aggregations of almost incredible numbers of individuals. Elton (1927, p. 109), for example, states that swarms of collembolans are said to have held up a Swiss train, the minute insects covering the rails so heavily that the driving-wheels of the locomotive revolved ineffectually.
Oxford University Press
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