AU/Pb age for the Mygatt-Moore Quarry, Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Mesa County, Colorado

K Trujillo, J Foster, R Hunt-Foster…�- Volumina�…, 2014 -
K Trujillo, J Foster, R Hunt-Foster, K Chamberlain
Volumina Jurassica,
Mygatt-Moore Quarry in the Brushy Basin Member of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation
is one of the more important large dinosaur quarries in the formation, yielding fossils of
sauropod dinosaurs including Apatosaurus, Camarasaurus, and an indeterminate
diplodocine (cf. Diplodocus or Barosaurus), the theropod dinosaurs Allosaurus and
Ceratosaurus, and the ornithischians Othnielosaurus and Mymoorapelta. Fossil wood and
carbonized plants are known from the deposit, and carbonized dinosaur skin has also been�…
Mygatt-Moore Quarry in the Brushy Basin Member of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation is one of the more important large dinosaur quarries in the formation, yielding fossils of sauropod dinosaurs including Apatosaurus, Camarasaurus, and an indeterminate diplodocine (cf. Diplodocus or Barosaurus), the theropod dinosaurs Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus, and the ornithischians Othnielosaurus and Mymoorapelta. Fossil wood and carbonized plants are known from the deposit, and carbonized dinosaur skin has also been discovered. We report here on a new U/Pb radiometric age for the Mygatt-Moore Quarry, from a smectitic mudstone collected at the quarry horizon. We isolated zircons using an ultrasonic separation technique and standard heavy liquid and magnetic methods, analyzed single zircons using a chemical abrasion method (CA-TIMS). The age determined for this dinosaur quarry, 152.18�0.29 Ma, places the quarry at the boundary between the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian stages of the Late Jurassic Period. This age can now be used to place the quarry into stratigraphic position with respect to other dated horizons in the Morrison Formation and other rock units worldwide. We will also use this age along with other ages to create a radiometrically based stratigraphic framework for the Morrison Formation.
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