Brown v. Board of Education

347 US 483, 74 S. Ct. 686, 98 L. Ed. 873�- Supreme Court, 1954 - Google Scholar
… in Congress and the state legislatures had in mind cannot be�… part on "those qualities which are
incapable of objective measurement but which�… that may affect their hearts and minds in a�…

Roth v. United States

354 US 476, 77 S. Ct. 1304, 1 L. Ed. 2d 1498�- Supreme Court, 1957 - Google Scholar
… must be calculated to corrupt and debauch the minds and morals�… purity of thought which it instills
in the mind of the�… Thoughts and desires not manifested in overt antisocial behavior are�…

New York Times Co. v. Sullivan

376 US 254, 84 S. Ct. 710, 11 L. Ed. 2d 686�- Supreme Court, 1964 - Google Scholar
… the advertisement was false, since the state of mind required for�… In measuring the performance
or deficiencies of such groups, praise�… public affairs and certainly does not measure up to�…

Whitney v. California

274 US 357, 47 S. Ct. 641, 71 L. Ed. 1095�- Supreme Court, 1927 - Google Scholar
… the law will have little difficulty 369 in determining what is�… attempt, between assembling and
conspiracy, must be borne in mind�… 120, 121; Lord Justice Scrutton in Rex v. Secretary of�…

Jacobson v. Massachusetts

197 US 11, 25 S. Ct. 358, 49 L. Ed. 643�- Supreme Court, 1905 - Google Scholar
… will of its constituted authorities, acting in good faith for�… them were: 1. `Without vaccination, hygienic
measures and means�… English Royal Commission, appointed with Lord Herschell, the�…

Johnson's Lessee v. McIntosh

21 US 543, 5 L. Ed. 681, 1823 US LEXIS 293�- Supreme Court, 1823 - Google Scholar
… the Creator of all things has impressed on the mind of his�… patent, New-England has been in a
great measure settled�… His royal highness transferred New-Jersey to Lord Berkeley and Sir�…

Engel v. Vitale

370 US 421, 82 S. Ct. 1261, 8 L. Ed. 2d 601�- Supreme Court, 1962 - Google Scholar
… men's tongues to make them speak only the religious thoughts that government�… with me that He
will so enlighten the minds of your�… still it must be said `the judgments of the Lord are true�…

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School Dist.

393 US 503, 89 S. Ct. 733, 21 L. Ed. 2d 731�- Supreme Court, 1969 - Google Scholar
minds off their classwork and diverted them to thoughts about the�… and flout orders of school officials
to keep their minds on their�… places contrary to their rules and speak his mind on any�…

Abington School Dist. v. Schempp

374 US 203, 83 S. Ct. 1560, 10 L. Ed. 2d 844�- Supreme Court, 1963 - Google Scholar
… of Rights because it was first in the forefathers' minds; it was�… the church and the inviolable citadel
of the individual heart and mind�… of Bible reading or the recital of the Lord's Prayer in�…

Batson v. Kentucky

476 US 79, 106 S. Ct. 1712, 90 L. Ed. 2d 69�- Supreme Court, 1986 - Google Scholar
… the most capable counsel and judges since determining whether a�… To my mind, however, attention
to these "implementation" questions�… to the conclusion that there is no "good" way to�…