Front cover image for Metal Provinces of the western United States

Metal Provinces of the western United States

Print Book, English, 1970
16 pages ; 23 cm + e 9 sheets of maps
Figure 1: Plotting sheet 34-112 from 33 degress to 35 degrees north latitude and from 111 degrees to 113 degrees longitude, central Arizona
Figure 2: Mercury provinces
Figure 3: Copper provinces
Figure 4: Gold provinces
Figure 5: Silver provinces
Figures 6-9: Lead-zinc provinces; Tungsten provinces; Molybdenum provinces; Occurrences of the large oncentrations of the minerals
Figure 10: Combined metal provinces
Figures 11-14: Crustal thickness; Heat flow; Apparent Pn velocity in the upper mantle; Bouguer gravity anomaly map
Figure 15: Metal provinces in western United States
Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.81, p. 1607-1624, 15 figs., June 1970