fondaparinux (Rx)

Brand and Other Names:Arixtra

Dosing & Uses


Dosage Forms & Strengths

prefilled syringe

  • 2.5mg/0.5mL
  • 5mg/0.4mL
  • 7.5mg/0.6mL
  • 10mg/0.8mL

Deep Vein Thrombosis/Acute Pulmonary Embolism


  • <50 kg: 5 mg SC once daily
  • 50-100 kg: 7.5 mg SC once daily
  • >100 kg: 10 mg SC once daily
  • Administer for 5-9 days; up to 26 days administered in clinical trials


  • >50 kg: 2.5 mg SC once daily for 5-9 days or up to 10 days following abdomonal surgery; for hip replacement, 11 days recommended and a minimum 10-14 days recommended for patients undergoing total hip or knee arthroplasty, or hip fracture surgery; administered for up to 35 days in some instances

VTE Prophylaxis With History of HIT (Off-label)

Prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in patient with history of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) until patient can switch to warfarin

2.5 mg SC once daily for 5-10 days

American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines assign low evidence rating to treatment of HIT with fondaparinux and conclude that further studies evaluating its role in HIT treatment are needed


Administer initial dose 6-8 hours after surgery, once hemostasis has been established

SC administration is deep, alternating right and left anterior and posterior abdominal walls

Safety and efficacy not established

Because bleeding is increased in adults <50 kg, bleeding may be a particular safety concern in children



Interaction Checker

and fondaparinux

No Results

     activity indicator 
    No Interactions Found
    Interactions Found


      Serious - Use Alternative

        Significant - Monitor Closely


            All Interactions Sort By:
             activity indicator 

            Contraindicated (3)

            • apixaban

              fondaparinux and apixaban both increase anticoagulation. Contraindicated. Avoid concurrent use of rivaroxaban with other anticoagulants due to increased bleeding risk other than during therapeutic transition periods where patients should be observed closely. Monitor for signs/symptoms of blood loss.

            • defibrotide

              defibrotide increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Contraindicated. Coadministration of defibrotide is contraindicated with antithrombotic/fibrinolytic drugs. This does not include use for routine maintenance or reopening of central venous lines.

            • mifepristone

              mifepristone, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Contraindicated. Comment: Mifepristone may lead to excessive post abortion bleeding in pts. on anticoagulant therapy.

            Serious - Use Alternative (63)

            • abciximab

              fondaparinux, abciximab. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Contraindicated. Enhanced risk of hemorrhage.

            • amobarbital

              amobarbital decreases effects of fondaparinux by increasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • anagrelide

              fondaparinux, anagrelide. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Contraindicated. Enhanced risk of hemorrhage.

            • antithrombin alfa

              antithrombin alfa and fondaparinux both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • antithrombin III

              antithrombin III and fondaparinux both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • argatroban

              argatroban and fondaparinux both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • azithromycin

              azithromycin increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • bazedoxifene/conjugated estrogens

              bazedoxifene/conjugated estrogens decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Contraindicated. Risk of thromboembolic disorders.

            • bemiparin

              bemiparin and fondaparinux both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • betrixaban

              fondaparinux, betrixaban. Either increases levels of the other by anticoagulation. Contraindicated. Therapeutic duplication; may use temporarily when switching anticoagulants.

            • bivalirudin

              bivalirudin and fondaparinux both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • butabarbital

              butabarbital decreases effects of fondaparinux by increasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • butalbital

              butalbital decreases effects of fondaparinux by increasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • caplacizumab

              caplacizumab, fondaparinux. Either increases effects of the other by anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • cefamandole

              cefamandole increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • cefazolin

              cefazolin increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • cefdinir

              cefdinir increases effects of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. cephalosporins may decrease prothrombin activity.

            • cefditoren

              cefditoren will increase the level or effect of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. cephalosporins may decrease prothrombin activity

            • cefotetan

              cefotetan increases effects of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. cephalosporins may decrease prothrombin activity.

            • cefoxitin

              cefoxitin will increase the level or effect of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. cephalosporins may decrease prothrombin activity

            • cefpodoxime

              cefpodoxime will increase the level or effect of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. cephalosporins may decrease prothrombin activity

            • ceftriaxone

              ceftriaxone increases effects of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. cephalosporins may decrease prothrombin activity.

            • cefuroxime

              cefuroxime will increase the level or effect of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. cephalosporins may decrease prothrombin activity

            • cilostazol

              fondaparinux, cilostazol. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Contraindicated. Enhanced risk of hemorrhage.

            • clarithromycin

              clarithromycin increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • clopidogrel

              fondaparinux, clopidogrel. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Contraindicated. Enhanced risk of hemorrhage.

            • conjugated estrogens

              conjugated estrogens decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Contraindicated. Risk of thromboembolic disorders.

            • dabigatran

              dabigatran and fondaparinux both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. Both drugs have the potential to cause bleeding. Concomitant use may increase risk of bleeding.

            • dalteparin

              dalteparin and fondaparinux both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • dipyridamole

              fondaparinux, dipyridamole. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Contraindicated. Enhanced risk of hemorrhage.

            • enoxaparin

              enoxaparin and fondaparinux both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • eptifibatide

              fondaparinux, eptifibatide. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Contraindicated. Enhanced risk of hemorrhage.

            • erythromycin base

              erythromycin base increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • erythromycin ethylsuccinate

              erythromycin ethylsuccinate increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • erythromycin lactobionate

              erythromycin lactobionate increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • erythromycin stearate

              erythromycin stearate increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • estradiol

              estradiol decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Contraindicated. Risk of thromboembolic disorders.

            • estrogens conjugated synthetic

              estrogens conjugated synthetic decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Contraindicated. Risk of thromboembolic disorders.

            • estropipate

              estropipate decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Contraindicated. Risk of thromboembolic disorders.

            • Factor X, human

              fondaparinux will decrease the level or effect of Factor X, human by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. Based on the mechanism of action, Factor X is likely to be counteracted by direct and indirect Factor Xa inhibitors.

            • heparin

              fondaparinux and heparin both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • levonorgestrel intrauterine

              levonorgestrel intrauterine, fondaparinux. Either decreases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. Risk of thromboembolic disorders.

            • levonorgestrel oral

              levonorgestrel oral, fondaparinux. Either decreases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. Risk of thromboembolic disorders.

            • levothyroxine

              levothyroxine increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • liothyronine

              liothyronine increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • mestranol

              mestranol decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Contraindicated. Risk of thromboembolic disorders.

            • pentobarbital

              pentobarbital decreases effects of fondaparinux by increasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • phenindione

              fondaparinux and phenindione both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • phenobarbital

              phenobarbital decreases effects of fondaparinux by increasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • primidone

              primidone decreases effects of fondaparinux by increasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • protamine

              fondaparinux and protamine both increase anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • quinine

              quinine increases effects of fondaparinux by unknown mechanism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • rivaroxaban

              rivaroxaban, fondaparinux. Either increases effects of the other by anticoagulation. Contraindicated. Avoid concurrent use of rivaroxaban with other anticoagulants due to increased bleeding risk other than during therapeutic transition periods where patients should be observed closely. Monitor for signs/symptoms of blood loss.

            • roxithromycin

              roxithromycin increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • secobarbital

              secobarbital decreases effects of fondaparinux by increasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • sulfadiazine

              sulfadiazine increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

              sulfadiazine increases effects of fondaparinux by plasma protein binding competition. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • sulfamethoxazole

              sulfamethoxazole increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

              sulfamethoxazole increases effects of fondaparinux by plasma protein binding competition. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • sulfisoxazole

              sulfisoxazole increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

              sulfisoxazole increases effects of fondaparinux by plasma protein binding competition. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • thyroid desiccated

              thyroid desiccated increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • tibolone

              tibolone increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug.

            • ticlopidine

              fondaparinux, ticlopidine. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Contraindicated. Enhanced risk of hemorrhage.

            • tirofiban

              fondaparinux, tirofiban. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Contraindicated. Enhanced risk of hemorrhage.

            • warfarin

              fondaparinux increases effects of warfarin by anticoagulation. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. Avoid combined use once INR is established in the desired therapeutic range.

            Monitor Closely (121)

            • aceclofenac

              fondaparinux and aceclofenac both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • acemetacin

              fondaparinux and acemetacin both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • agrimony

              fondaparinux and agrimony both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • alfalfa

              fondaparinux and alfalfa both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • alteplase

              fondaparinux and alteplase both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • American ginseng

              fondaparinux and American ginseng both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • anamu

              fondaparinux and anamu both increase anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • aspirin

              fondaparinux and aspirin both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • aspirin rectal

              fondaparinux and aspirin rectal both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • aspirin/citric acid/sodium bicarbonate

              fondaparinux and aspirin/citric acid/sodium bicarbonate both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • azapropazone

              azapropazone increases effects of fondaparinux by plasma protein binding competition. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • azathioprine

              azathioprine decreases effects of fondaparinux by unknown mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • azficel-T

              azficel-T, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Coadministration with anticoagulants or antiplatelets may increase bruising or bleeding at biopsy and/or injection sites; concomitant use not recommended. Decisions regarding continued use or cessation of anticoagulants or antiplatelets should be made by a physician.

            • budesonide

              budesonide, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • capecitabine

              capecitabine increases effects of fondaparinux by unspecified interaction mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • carbamazepine

              carbamazepine decreases levels of fondaparinux by increasing metabolism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • celecoxib

              fondaparinux and celecoxib both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • chitosan

              chitosan increases effects of fondaparinux by Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Chitosan can decrease GI absorption of vitamin K, enhancing anticoagulant effects.

            • choline magnesium trisalicylate

              fondaparinux and choline magnesium trisalicylate both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • cinnamon

              fondaparinux and cinnamon both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • citalopram

              citalopram increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Combination may increase risk of bleeding.

            • collagenase clostridium histolyticum

              fondaparinux increases toxicity of collagenase clostridium histolyticum by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. Collagenase clostridium histolyticum has high incidence of ecchymosis/contusion at injection site; avoid concomitant anticoagulants (except for low-dose aspirin, ie, up to 150 mg/day).

            • conjugated estrogens, vaginal

              conjugated estrogens, vaginal decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely. Risk of thromboembolic disorders.

            • cordyceps

              fondaparinux and cordyceps both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • cornsilk

              cornsilk decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Use Caution/Monitor. Cornsilk contains vitamin K; consume a consistent amount daily.

            • cortisone

              cortisone, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • cyclophosphamide

              cyclophosphamide increases effects of fondaparinux by unknown mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor. Due to potential thrombocytopenic effects of cyclophosphamide, an additive risk of bleeding may be seen in patients receiving concomitant anticoagulants.

            • danshen

              fondaparinux and danshen both increase anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • deferasirox

              deferasirox, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Gastric ulceration and GI bleeding have been reported in patients taking deferasirox, use caution when coadministering with other drugs known to increase the risk of peptic ulcers or gastric hemorrhage including anticoagulants.

            • deflazacort

              deflazacort, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • devil's claw

              fondaparinux and devil's claw both increase anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • dexamethasone

              dexamethasone, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • dichlorphenamide

              dichlorphenamide and fondaparinux both decrease serum potassium. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • diclofenac

              fondaparinux and diclofenac both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • diflunisal

              fondaparinux and diflunisal both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

              diflunisal increases effects of fondaparinux by plasma protein binding competition. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • dong quai

              fondaparinux and dong quai both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • epoprostenol

              fondaparinux and epoprostenol both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • escitalopram

              escitalopram increases effects of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. SSRIs may inhibit platelet aggregation, thus increase bleeding risk when coadministered with anticoagulants.

            • ethanol

              ethanol increases effects of fondaparinux by unknown mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor. Acute EtOH intoxication.

            • ethotoin

              fondaparinux increases levels of ethotoin by unknown mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor.

              ethotoin, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Hydantoin anticonvulsants increase anticoagulant effects at first, then decrease those effects with continued use (2+ wks). There are multiple mechanisms involved, including enzyme induction, plasma protein binding site competition, and additive effects on prothrombin time.

            • etodolac

              fondaparinux and etodolac both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • fenbufen

              fondaparinux and fenbufen both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • fennel

              fondaparinux and fennel both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • fenoprofen

              fondaparinux and fenoprofen both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • feverfew

              fondaparinux and feverfew both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • fish oil

              fish oil, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Patients taking fish oil and an anticoagulant or other drug affecting coagulation should be monitored periodically due to potential increased risk of bleeding. .

            • fish oil triglycerides

              fish oil triglycerides will increase the level or effect of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. Prolonged bleeding reported in patients taking antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants and oral omega-3 fatty acids. Periodically monitor bleeding time in patients receiving fish oil triglycerides and concomitant antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants.

            • fludrocortisone

              fludrocortisone, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • fluorouracil

              fluorouracil increases effects of fondaparinux by unspecified interaction mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor. Due to the thrombocytopenic effects of fluorouracil, an additive risk of bleeding may be seen in patients receiving concomitant anticoagulants.

            • fluoxetine

              fluoxetine increases effects of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. SSRIs may inhibit platelet aggregation, thus increase bleeding risk when coadministered with anticoagulants.

            • flurbiprofen

              fondaparinux and flurbiprofen both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • fluvoxamine

              fluvoxamine will increase the level or effect of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. SSRIs may inhibit platelet aggregation, which may increase bleeding risk when coadministered with anticoabulants

            • forskolin

              fondaparinux and forskolin both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • fosphenytoin

              fondaparinux increases levels of fosphenytoin by unknown mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor.

              fosphenytoin, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Hydantoin anticonvulsants increase anticoagulant effects at first, then decrease those effects with continued use (2+ wks). There are multiple mechanisms involved, including enzyme induction, plasma protein binding site competition, and additive effects on prothrombin time.

            • garlic

              fondaparinux and garlic both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • gemcitabine

              gemcitabine increases effects of fondaparinux by unspecified interaction mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor. Due to the thrombocytopenic effects of gemcitabine, an additive risk of bleeding may be seen in patients receiving concomitant anticoagulants.

            • ginger

              fondaparinux and ginger both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • ginkgo biloba

              fondaparinux and ginkgo biloba both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • glucagon intranasal

              glucagon intranasal increases effects of fondaparinux by unknown mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • green tea

              green tea, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Combination may increase risk of bleeding, caution is advised.

            • hemin

              fondaparinux, hemin. Either increases effects of the other by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. Hemin degradation product (ie, hematin) may produce coagulopathy (eg, thrombocytopenia, platelet degranulation) and cause mild anticoagulant effects.

            • horse chestnut seed

              fondaparinux and horse chestnut seed both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • hydrocortisone

              hydrocortisone, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • ibrutinib

              ibrutinib, fondaparinux. Either increases effects of the other by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. Ibrutinib may potentiate the effects of anticoagulant agents such as warfarin may increase the risk of bleeding; monitor for signs of bleeding.

            • ibuprofen

              fondaparinux and ibuprofen both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • ibuprofen IV

              fondaparinux and ibuprofen IV both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • icosapent

              icosapent, fondaparinux. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Icosapent may prolong bleeding time; monitor periodically if coadministered with other drugs that affect bleeding.

            • indomethacin

              fondaparinux and indomethacin both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • iodine (radioactive)

              iodine (radioactive) decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • ketoprofen

              fondaparinux and ketoprofen both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • ketorolac

              fondaparinux and ketorolac both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • ketorolac intranasal

              fondaparinux and ketorolac intranasal both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • lofepramine

              lofepramine increases levels of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • lornoxicam

              fondaparinux and lornoxicam both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • meclofenamate

              fondaparinux and meclofenamate both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • mefenamic acid

              fondaparinux and mefenamic acid both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • melatonin

              melatonin increases effects of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. Melatonin may decrease prothrombin time.

            • meloxicam

              fondaparinux and meloxicam both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • methimazole

              methimazole decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • methylprednisolone

              methylprednisolone, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • mistletoe

              fondaparinux increases and mistletoe decreases anticoagulation. Effect of interaction is not clear, use caution. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • nabumetone

              fondaparinux and nabumetone both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • naproxen

              fondaparinux and naproxen both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • nettle

              fondaparinux increases and nettle decreases anticoagulation. Effect of interaction is not clear, use caution. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • omega 3 carboxylic acids

              omega 3 carboxylic acids, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Patients taking omega-3 acids and an anticoagulant or other drug affecting coagulation should be monitored periodically due to potential increased risk of bleeding.

            • omega 3 fatty acids

              omega 3 fatty acids, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Patients taking omega-3-fatty acids and an anticoagulant or other drug affecting coagulation should be monitored periodically due to potential increased risk of bleeding. .

            • oxaprozin

              fondaparinux and oxaprozin both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • panax ginseng

              fondaparinux and panax ginseng both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • parecoxib

              fondaparinux and parecoxib both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • paroxetine

              paroxetine increases effects of fondaparinux by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. SSRIs may inhibit platelet aggregation, thus increase bleeding risk when coadministered with anticoagulants.

            • pau d'arco

              fondaparinux and pau d'arco both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • pegaspargase

              pegaspargase increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Increased risk of bleeding events.

            • phenytoin

              fondaparinux increases levels of phenytoin by unknown mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor.

              phenytoin, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Hydantoin anticonvulsants increase anticoagulant effects at first, then decrease those effects with continued use (2+ wks). There are multiple mechanisms involved, including enzyme induction, plasma protein binding site competition, and additive effects on prothrombin time.

            • phytoestrogens

              fondaparinux and phytoestrogens both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • piroxicam

              fondaparinux and piroxicam both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • porfimer

              fondaparinux decreases effects of porfimer by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • prasugrel

              fondaparinux, prasugrel. Either increases effects of the other by pharmacodynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Enhanced risk of hemorrhage.

            • prednisolone

              prednisolone, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • prednisone

              prednisone, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • propafenone

              propafenone increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • propylthiouracil

              propylthiouracil decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • reishi

              fondaparinux and reishi both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • reteplase

              fondaparinux and reteplase both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • rifabutin

              rifabutin decreases levels of fondaparinux by increasing metabolism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • salicylates (non-asa)

              fondaparinux and salicylates (non-asa) both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • salsalate

              fondaparinux and salsalate both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • saw palmetto

              saw palmetto increases toxicity of fondaparinux by unspecified interaction mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor. May increase risk of bleeding.

            • sertraline

              sertraline increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Combination may increase risk of bleeding.

            • Siberian ginseng

              fondaparinux and Siberian ginseng both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • sulfasalazine

              fondaparinux and sulfasalazine both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • sulindac

              fondaparinux and sulindac both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • tenecteplase

              fondaparinux and tenecteplase both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • ticagrelor

              ticagrelor, fondaparinux. Either increases effects of the other by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. Increased risk of bleeding during concomitant use of medications that increase potential for bleeding.

            • tipranavir

              tipranavir increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Use Caution/Monitor. Tipranavir has mild antiplatelet activity that may incr bleeding risk.

            • tolfenamic acid

              fondaparinux and tolfenamic acid both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • tolmetin

              fondaparinux and tolmetin both increase anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely.

            • triamcinolone acetonide injectable suspension

              triamcinolone acetonide injectable suspension, fondaparinux. Other (see comment). Use Caution/Monitor. Comment: Corticosteroids may decrease anticoagulant effects by increasing blood coagulability; conversely, they may impair vascular integrity, thus increasing bleeding risk. Monitor INR closely.

            • triclofos

              triclofos increases effects of fondaparinux by unspecified interaction mechanism. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • vorapaxar

              fondaparinux, vorapaxar. Either increases effects of the other by anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor. Coadministration of anticoagulants, antiplatelets, or other drug affecting coagulation should be monitored periodically due to potential increased risk of bleeding.

            • vortioxetine

              vortioxetine and fondaparinux both increase anticoagulation. Use Caution/Monitor.

            • zanubrutinib

              fondaparinux, zanubrutinib. Either increases effects of the other by anticoagulation. Modify Therapy/Monitor Closely. Zanubrutinib-induced cytopenias increases risk of hemorrhage. Coadministration of zanubritinib with antiplatelets or anticoagulants may further increase this risk.

            Minor (18)

            • acetaminophen

              acetaminophen increases effects of fondaparinux by unknown mechanism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • acetaminophen IV

              acetaminophen IV increases effects of fondaparinux by unknown mechanism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • acetaminophen rectal

              acetaminophen rectal increases effects of fondaparinux by unknown mechanism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • alprostadil intracavernous/urethral

              alprostadil intracavernous/urethral increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • ceftaroline

              ceftaroline increases effects of fondaparinux by Other (see comment). Minor/Significance Unknown. Comment: Cephalosporins with a methylthiotetrazole (MTT) side ring (eg, cefotetan, cefoperazone) are more frequently associated with hypoprothrombinemic activity.

            • chlorella

              chlorella decreases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Minor/Significance Unknown. Theoretical, due to vitamin K content.

            • demeclocycline

              demeclocycline increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • dexmethylphenidate

              dexmethylphenidate increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • doxycycline

              doxycycline increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • glyburide

              glyburide increases effects of fondaparinux by unspecified interaction mechanism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • mineral oil

              mineral oil decreases levels of fondaparinux by inhibition of GI absorption. Applies only to oral form of both agents. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • minocycline

              minocycline increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • oxytetracycline

              oxytetracycline increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • quinidine

              quinidine increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • serdexmethylphenidate/dexmethylphenidate

              serdexmethylphenidate/dexmethylphenidate increases effects of fondaparinux by decreasing metabolism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • tetracycline

              tetracycline increases effects of fondaparinux by pharmacodynamic synergism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • verteporfin

              fondaparinux decreases effects of verteporfin by pharmacodynamic antagonism. Minor/Significance Unknown.

            • vitamin E

              vitamin E, fondaparinux. Mechanism: pharmacodynamic synergism. Minor/Significance Unknown. Vitamin E at RDA does not change INR in pts. on chronic warfarin therapy; megadoses (~10x RDA) may enhance anticoagulant effects in vitamin K deficient pts.


            Adverse Effects


            Anemia (1-20%)

            Fever (4-14%)

            Nausea (3-11%)


            Rash (7.5%)

            Dizziness (4%)

            Confusion (3%)

            Constipation (5-9%)

            Diarrhea (2-3%)

            Edema (9%)

            Headache (2-5%)

            Hypokalemia (1-4%)

            Hypotension (4%)

            Insomnia (4-5%)

            Purpura (4%)

            Thrombocytopenia (3%)

            Urinary retention (3%)

            Urinary tract infection (2-4%)

            Vomiting (1-6%)

            Postmarketing Reports

            Thrombocytopenia with thrombosis that manifested similarly to HIT

            Serious allergic reactions, including angioedema and anaphylactoid or anaphylactic reactions

            Spinal or epidural hematomas


            Increase in bleeding risk with renal impairment

            Increase in bleeding risk with body weight <50 Kg

            Increase in aminotransferase levels



            Black Box Warnings

            Epidural or spinal hematomas may occur in patients undergoing anticoagulation with low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) or heparinoids who receive neuraxial (epidural or spinal) anesthesia or spinal puncture

            These hematomas may result in long-term or permanent paralysis

            Patients should be frequently monitored for signs and symptoms of neurologic impairment

            If neurologic compromise is noted, urgent treatment is necessary

            Physicians should weigh benefits against risk before embarking on neuraxial intervention in patients anticoagulated or scheduled to be anticoagulated for thromboprophylaxis

            Optimal timing between the administration of LMWHs and neuraxial procedures is not known

            Factors increasing risk of epidural or spinal hematomas

            • Indwelling epidural catheters
            • Concomitant use of other drugs that affect hemostasis (eg, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs], platelet inhibitors, other anticoagulants)
            • History of traumatic or repeated epidural or spinal punctures
            • History of spinal deformity or spinal surgery


            Severe renal impairment (CrCl <30 mL/min)

            Body weight <50 kg (venous thromboembolism prophylaxis only)

            Active major bleeding

            Bacterial endocarditis

            Thrombocytopenia with antiplatelet antibody in presence of fondaparinux

            History of serious hypersensitivity reaction (eg, angioedema, anaphylactoid or anaphylactic reactions)


            Use with caution in the elderly (prolonged half-life in patients >75 years of age), peptic ulcer disease, bleeding disorder, recent stroke, recent surgery (brain, spinal cord, or eye), concurrent use of platelet inhibitors or anticoagulants, moderate renal impairment (CrCl 30-50 mL/min); may cause prolonged anticoagulation in patients with CrCl 30 to 50 mL/min

            Discontinue if platelets <100,000/μL

            Not for IM administration

            Therapy increases risk of hemorrhage in patients at risk for bleeding, including conditions such as congenital or acquired bleeding disorders, active ulcerative and angiodysplastic gastrointestinal disease, hemorrhagic stroke, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, diabetic retinopathy, or shortly after brain, spinal, or ophthalmological surgery; cases of elevated aPTT temporally associated with bleeding events have been reported following administration of drug (with or without concomitant administration of other anticoagulants); do not administer agents that enhance risk of hemorrhage unless essential for management of underlying condition, such as vitamin K antagonists for treatment of VTE; if co-administration is essential, closely monitor patients for signs and symptoms of bleeding

            Do not use interchangeably with heparin or LMWHs

            Thrombocytopenia with thrombosis reported with use; discontinue therapy if platelet count falls below 100,000/mm³

            Risk of spinal or epidural hematomas if spinal puncture occurs (see Black Box Warnings)

            Do not administer initial dose earlier than 6- 8 hours after surgery; administration earlier than 6 hours after surgery increases risk of major bleeding

            Increased risk of bleeding in patients <50 kg; dosage reduction recommended

            Not for administration as prophylactic for patients undergoing hip fracture, hip replacement, or knee replacement surgery and abdominal surgery


            Pregnancy & Lactation


            Available data from published literature and postmarketing reports have not reported clear association with adverse developmental outcomes; fondaparinux sodium plasma concentrations obtained from four women treated during pregnancy and their newborn infants demonstrated low placental transfer of fondaparinux sodium; there are risks to mother associated with untreated venous thromboembolism in pregnancy and a risk of hemorrhage in the mother and fetus associated with use of anticoagulants

            Pregnancy confers an increased risk for thromboembolism that is higher for women with underlying thromboembolic disease and certain high-risk pregnancy conditions; published data describe that women with a previous history of venous thrombosis are at high risk for recurrence during pregnancy

            Fetal/neonatal adverse reactions

            • Drug has been demonstrated to cross placenta in humans; use of anticoagulants, may increase risk of bleeding in the fetus and neonate; monitor neonates for bleeding

            Labor or delivery

            • All patients receiving anticoagulants, including pregnant women, are at risk for bleeding; use during labor or delivery in women who are receiving neuraxial anesthesia may result in epidural or spinal hematomas; pregnant women receiving therapy should be carefully monitored for evidence of bleeding or unexpected changes in coagulation parameters; consideration for use of a shorter acting anticoagulant should be specifically addressed as delivery approaches


            There are no data on presence in human milk, or effects on milk production; limited clinical data during lactation preclude a clear determination of risk of therapy to an infant during lactation; therefore, developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with mother’s clinical need for therapy and any potential adverse effects on breastfed infant from therapy or from underlying maternal condition

            Pregnancy Categories

            A: Generally acceptable. Controlled studies in pregnant women show no evidence of fetal risk.

            B: May be acceptable. Either animal studies show no risk but human studies not available or animal studies showed minor risks and human studies done and showed no risk.

            C: Use with caution if benefits outweigh risks. Animal studies show risk and human studies not available or neither animal nor human studies done.

            D: Use in LIFE-THREATENING emergencies when no safer drug available. Positive evidence of human fetal risk.

            X: Do not use in pregnancy. Risks involved outweigh potential benefits. Safer alternatives exist.

            NA: Information not available.



            Mechanism of Action

            Antithrombotic agent; inhibits factor Xa, which interrupts blood coagulation cascade and inhibits thrombin formation and thrombus development; generally does not increase prothrombin time (PT) or partial thromboplastin time (PTT)


            Bioavailability: 100%

            Peak plasma time: 2-3 hr

            Peak plasma concentration: 0.34-0.50 mg/L


            Protein bound: 94% (antithrombin III)

            Vd: 7-11 L


            Not established


            Half-life: 17-21 hr

            Dialyzable: Yes

            Excretion: Urine



            Arixtra subcutaneous
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Arixtra subcutaneous
            5 mg/0.4 mL solution
            Arixtra subcutaneous
            2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution
            Arixtra subcutaneous
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            5 mg/0.4 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            5 mg/0.4 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            5 mg/0.4 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            5 mg/0.4 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            5 mg/0.4 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            5 mg/0.4 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            5 mg/0.4 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            2.5 mg/0.5 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            10 mg/0.8 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            7.5 mg/0.6 mL solution
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)
            5 mg/0.4 mL solution

            Copyright © 2010 First DataBank, Inc.


            Patient Handout

            Patient Education
            Fondaparinux (Arixtra)

            COMMON BRAND NAME(S): Arixtra

            USES: What is fondaparinux used for? Fondaparinux is used to prevent blood clots after certain hip, knee, or stomach surgeries. It can also treat blood clots in the legs or lungs when given with another medicine called warfarin. Fondaparinux may also be used for other conditions as determined by your healthcare provider. How does fondaparinux work (mechanism of action)? Fondaparinux is a blood thinner, or anticoagulant. It works by blocking certain substances in the blood that form clots.   How is fondaparinux supplied (dosage forms)? Fondaparinux is available as Arixtra and generic fondaparinux in the following dosage forms that are injected under the skin (subcutaneous). 2.5 mg solution for injection 5 mg solution for injection 7.5 mg solution for injection 10 mg solution for injection How should I store fondaparinux? Fondaparinux should be stored at room temperature, between 68 F to 77 F (20 C to 25 C). It can be exposed to temperatures between 59 F to 86 F (15 C to 30 C), for shorter periods of time, such as when transporting it. Store in a cool, dry place.

            HOW TO USE: liquid that is injected under the skin

            SIDE EFFECTS: What are the most common side effects of fondaparinux? The most common side effects of fondaparinux are listed below. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any of these side effects that bother you. Anemia Low blood pressure Trouble sleeping, dizziness, and confusion Increased bleeding Bleeding, rash, and itching at the injection site      Wound drainage increased Low potassium level Purplish spots on the skin Blood clots There may be other side effects of fondaparinux that are not listed here. Contact your healthcare provider if you think you are having a side effect of a medicine. In the U.S., you can report side effects to the FDA at or by calling 800-FDA-1088. In Canada, you can report side effects to Health Canada at or by calling 866-234-2345. What are the serious side effects of fondaparinux? The most serious side effects of fondaparinux are described below. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any of these side effects that bother you. Severe Allergic Reactions. Fondaparinux may cause allergic reactions , which can be serious. Stop using fondaparinux and get help right away if you have any of the following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction. Breathing problems or wheezing Racing heart Fever or general ill feeling Swollen lymph nodes Swelling of the face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat Trouble swallowing or throat tightness Itching, skin rash, or pale red bumps on the skin called hives Nausea or vomiting Dizziness, feeling lightheaded, or fainting Stomach cramps Joint pain Spinal blood clots. Blood clots can form around the spinal cord if you are taking fondaparinux and have a spinal tap or receive an epidural . These blood clots can cause long-term or permanent paralysis (unable to move). Your risk is higher if a thin tube (catheter) is placed in your spine, you are taking other medicines that may cause bleeding, including other blood thinners, you have a history of difficult or repeated spinal punctures, you have a history of problems with your spine, or had a recent surgery on your spine. Your healthcare provider will monitor you closely during the procedure. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have back pain, tingling, numbness, muscle weakness (especially in your legs and feet), or loss of control of the bowels or bladder.   Severe Bleeding. Fondaparinux can increase your risk of severe bleeding that can lead to death. Some patients with serious bleeding may need a blood transfusion or surgery. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of the following signs of severe bleeding while taking fondaparinux. Pink, red, or brown urine (pee) Vomit with blood that looks like coffee grounds Red or black stools (looks like tar) Coughing up blood or blood clots Severely Low Platelet Levels. Fondaparinux can cause you to have a severely low number of platelets in your blood, also called thrombocytopenia . Platelets help to form blood clots. Having a low level of platelets may increase your risk of bleeding. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any of the following symptoms of low platelet levels. Easy bruising or bleeding Bleeding that does not stop Nosebleeds

            PRECAUTIONS: Who should not use fondaparinux? Allergies to Ingredients. People who are allergic to any of the following should not use fondaparinux. Arixtra Fondaparinux Latex Any of the ingredients in the specific product dispensed Your pharmacist can tell you all the ingredients in the specific fondaparinux products they stock. Kidney Problems. Certain kidney problems can increase your risk of bleeding with fondaparinux. If there is a concern about the health of your kidneys, your healthcare provider may do tests to determine if they are working well enough to take this medicine. Bleeding problems. Do not take fondaparinux if you have uncontrolled bleeding.   Heart infection. Do not take fondaparinux if you have a heart infection (bacterial endocarditis ).   Low platelets. Do not use fondaparinux if you have a low platelet count and have tested positive for a certain antibody. Low body weight. Do not take fondaparinux to prevent a blood clot if you weigh less than 110 pounds. What should I know about fondaparinux before using it? Do not use fondaparinux unless it has been prescribed to you by a healthcare provider. Use it as prescribed. Do not share fondaparinux with other people, even if they have the same condition as you. It may harm them. Keep fondaparinux out of the reach of children. Fondaparinux should be injected into a skin fold of the lower stomach (abdomen) area. You will be given detailed instructions if you will give these injections to yourself.  What should I tell my healthcare provider before using fondaparinux? Tell your healthcare provider about all of your health conditions and any prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins/minerals, herbal products, and other supplements you are using. This will help them determine if fondaparinux is right for you. Current and Past Health Conditions. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any of the following. Bleeding problems, including stomach ulcer Have had problems in the past with pain medication given through the spine Have had surgery to your spine or have a spinal deformity Any recent surgery, including eye surgery History of stroke Kidney or liver problems High blood pressure Diabetic eye disease Pregnancy. Fondaparinux may cause harm to an unborn baby. Tell your healthcare provider if you are or plan to become pregnant. Your healthcare provider will advise you on the best way to treat or prevent blood clots if you are pregnant. Breastfeeding. It is not known if fondaparinux passes into breast milk. Tell your healthcare provider if you are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Your healthcare provider will advise you if you should use fondaparinux while breastfeeding. 

            DRUG INTERACTIONS: Does fondaparinux interact with foods or drinks? There are no known interactions between fondaparinux and foods or drinks.        It is unknown if drinking alcohol will affect fondaparinux. The risk of dizziness and confusion may be increased if you drink alcohol while taking fondaparinux. Both fondaparinux and alcohol can increase your risk of bleeding, so it is best to limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Does fondaparinux interact with other medicines (drug interactions)? Always tell your healthcare provider about any prescription or over the counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins/minerals, herbal products, or other supplements you are taking.   In particular, make sure that you discuss if you are using any of the following before using fondaparinux: A blood thinner, which is a medicine used to treat or prevent blood clots, such as warfarin A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and others, which are contained in many prescription and OTC products for pain, swelling, and fever Aspirin     

            OVERDOSE: What should I do if I accidentally use too much fondaparinux? If you or someone else has used too much fondaparinux, get medical help right away, call 911, or contact a Poison Control center at 800-222-1222. What should I do if I miss a dose of fondaparinux? If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and only take the next dose. Do not take double or extra doses.



            FormularyPatient Discounts

            Adding plans allows you to compare formulary status to other drugs in the same class.

            To view formulary information first create a list of plans. Your list will be saved and can be edited at any time.

            Adding plans allows you to:

            • View the formulary and any restrictions for each plan.
            • Manage and view all your plans together – even plans in different states.
            • Compare formulary status to other drugs in the same class.
            • Access your plan list on any device – mobile or desktop.

            The above information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only. Individual plans may vary and formulary information changes. Contact the applicable plan provider for the most current information.

            Tier Description
            1 This drug is available at the lowest co-pay. Most commonly, these are generic drugs.
            2 This drug is available at a middle level co-pay. Most commonly, these are "preferred" (on formulary) brand drugs.
            3 This drug is available at a higher level co-pay. Most commonly, these are "non-preferred" brand drugs.
            4 This drug is available at a higher level co-pay. Most commonly, these are "non-preferred" brand drugs or specialty prescription products.
            5 This drug is available at a higher level co-pay. Most commonly, these are "non-preferred" brand drugs or specialty prescription products.
            6 This drug is available at a higher level co-pay. Most commonly, these are "non-preferred" brand drugs or specialty prescription products.
            NC NOT COVERED – Drugs that are not covered by the plan.
            Code Definition
            PA Prior Authorization
            Drugs that require prior authorization. This restriction requires that specific clinical criteria be met prior to the approval of the prescription.
            QL Quantity Limits
            Drugs that have quantity limits associated with each prescription. This restriction typically limits the quantity of the drug that will be covered.
            ST Step Therapy
            Drugs that have step therapy associated with each prescription. This restriction typically requires that certain criteria be met prior to approval for the prescription.
            OR Other Restrictions
            Drugs that have restrictions other than prior authorization, quantity limits, and step therapy associated with each prescription.
            Additional Offers
            Email to Patient
            Email Forms to Patient
            Medscape prescription drug monographs are based on FDA-approved labeling information, unless otherwise noted, combined with additional data derived from primary medical literature.