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  • University Food Policy

To describe the conditions under which food may be served, consumed, or given away at University events on campus.

Applies to: 

All faculty, staff, students, and visitors of the University of Kansas Lawrence campus.

Policy Statement: 

KU Dining Services is the official, licensed, and contracted food and beverage purveyor for the University of Kansas – Lawrence campus and affiliates. Kansas Athletics Inc. (KAI) and KU Student Housing provide food and beverage within their own facilities and maintain separate contracts for food and beverage services.

Food and beverages cannot be sold or given away on campus without approval from KU Dining Services. KU Dining Services shall be the sole provider of all food and beverages sold or given away at events in all University facilities and for all University sponsored events (including fund-raisers) on the Lawrence campus. All food, including snack items, and beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) must be purchased through KU Dining Services for events in all University facilities and for all University sponsored events (including fund-raisers) unless exception is granted.

Unless prepared and served by KU Dining Services, no product can be prepared on site via charcoal/wood/propane grill or smokers, open flames, electric rotisserie, slow cookers, pressure cookers, etc.

Certain products or brands prohibited under University license or sponsorship agreements will not be allowed or permitted for public distribution.

Refer to the Food and Beverage Purchases Policy for information regarding payments to non-University vendors.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

KU Dining Services works to be a good partner with University schools, departments, and registered student organizations. KU Dining Services has developed the University Food Policy Exception Guidelines that provide guidance for conditions under which exceptions are granted to schools, departments, and registered student organizations. The following items are outlined in the University Food Policy Exception Guidelines:

  • Cultural, religious, or ethnic food served in KU Memorial Unions
  • Food/Bake Sales
  • Donated Products
  • Food Trucks on Campus
  • Personal Consumption
  • Potluck or Carry-out/Delivery
  • Tailgating at Athletic Events

To receive consideration for an exception, as outlined in the University Food Policy Exceptions Guidelines, a University Food Policy Exception Form must be completed and submitted at least two weeks prior to the intended start date. A formal exception approval must be received from KU Dining Services before the event is promoted or sponsors contacted. 


Director, KU Memorial Union

KU Dining Services
Catering Coordinator

For questions related to food safety:
Kaitlyn McNally, Registered Dietitian
KU Dining Services

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Sunday, March 1, 1992
Effective on: 
Sunday, March 1, 1992
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

All concession rights and privileges shall be retained and fulfilled by the University concessionaire, as stated in a 1978 agreement between the Memorial Union Corporation and the University.

Food policy, food exception, food exception request, KU Dining, Pepsi, Starbucks
Change History: 

07/01/2024: Added link to Campus Catering policy. 
06/26/2024: Added Guidelines for Registered Student Organizations to Related Guidelines for University Food Policy
03/29/2024: Updated contact section. 
09/10/2021: Updated University Food Policy Exception Form.
07/31/2020: Updated to document current practices.
01/27/2020: Updated contact section. 
06/17/2019: Updated to reflect current practices and designate the Director of the KU Memorial Union as approver of exceptions to this policy. 
07/25/2018: Updated UEC references to the Office of Event Management and Protocol.
05/03/2018: Updated contact information. 
01/18/2018: Updated to include information about Food Truck Service. 
09/13/2016: Updated contact information.
11/2014:  Moved from page 2 of the Request for Exception to the University Food Policy form into the policy template. Added to Policy Library as a freestanding policy. Added KU Dining contact information for questions related to food safety. Added Related Other link to Food Safety Tips website.
02/2006:  Updates approved by the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
03/1992:  Approved by the Executive Vice Chancellor

Operational Categories: 
Health & Safety
Student Life Categories: 
Events, Protests & Organizations
Facilities Use & Scheduling

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