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    • Cover of Cahier by Friedericke Mayröcker
      Book Review
      By Friederike Mayröcker
      Translated By Donna Stonecipher
      Reviewed By Janani Ambikapathy
    • Cover of Instructions for the Lovers by Dawn Lundy Martin
      Book Review
      By Dawn Lundy Martin
      Reviewed By Leonora Simonovis
    • Cover of Hopscotch by Fatemeh Shams
      Book Review
      By Fatemeh Shams
      Translated By Armen Davoudian
      Reviewed By Janani Ambikapathy

From the current issue of Poetry

From This Issue July/August 2024
  • poem
    By Jessica Abughattas

    The winter I leave him, I ask my parents to consider me their oldest son. To bend the rules. I could be a little tree, late to flourish, focused on my underground career.

  • poem
    By Cheryl Clarke

    Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church Nine Senior pastor state senator

  • poem
    By G.C. Waldrep

    It was not a question of not having the language for it— having two, in fact. The walking towards it, and then the walking away. How that felt, all the green

May all living things
be happy one day.
But let them take their time.

— Jessica Abughattas

Featured Podcasts & Videos


From Poetry Off the Shelf May 2024

Joyelle McSweeney on sound, style icons, and the Ovidian landscape of her ear canal.

  • From Poetry Off the Shelf May 2024

    Sara Henning on radical truth, obsessive forms, and letting go of grief. 

  • From Poetry Off the Shelf April 2024

    Philip Metres on middle age, writer's block, and praying for the people of Palestine.

  • From Poetry Off the Shelf April 2024

    April Gibson on chronic illness, religion, and being a teenage mother.

  • From Poetry Off the Shelf March 2024

    Declan Ryan on his father's construction job, tenderness between boxers, and the inevitable tragic end.

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