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Paul Groves is a poet, critic and Creative Writing Lecturer, a staple of British literary periodicals over a five-decade career. He has won many accolades, including an Eric Gregory Award (1976) and The Times Literary Supplement prize twice (1986, 2007), and has…

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We were very sad to hear of the passing of the great poet John Burnside recently and wanted to celebrate his life and wonderful poems. We are very proud to have his recordings on the Archive and to be able…

From the glossary



Scansion is the process of marking the stresses in a poem, and working out the metre from the distribution of stresses. The verb is to scan. 'Mark' can be taken to mean both 'notice' and 'annotate', the latter often done with a u for an unstressed syllable and a slash, /, for a stressed one.

Patricia Beer's poem 'The Conjuror' might be taken as an example. The first line has stresses falling thus: "aRRIving EARly AT the CEM e TERY", or u/u/u/u/u/, which sets up a clear pattern, | u/ | u/ | u/ | u/ | u/ |, an iambic pentameter. The next has clear stresses on "one", "clock", "looked" and "round", which is only four at first glance, but there is also a lighter stress on the "for" at the start of the line, particularly as the following "the" is less stressed. With x being used as a 'missing' syllable - like a rest in music - this line can be scanned as | x/ | u/ | u/ | u/ | u/ |, still maintaining the iambic pentameter. The third line, however, introduces a variation, holding back its first stress for an extra syllable - "at the last sparks", which can be scanned | uu | // |, after which the iambs pick up again until the end of the stanza.

What this process achieves is a diagrammatic representation of the metrical effects of a poem. To see Beer's first stanza displayed thus

| u/ | u/ | u/ | u/ | u/ |
| x/ | u/ | u/ | u/ | u/ |
| uu | // | u/ | u/ | u/ |
| u/ | u/ | u/ | u/ | u/ |

demonstrates its regularity and variations, and helps a reader or listener understand why those "last sparks" are so central to this stanza - the moment of irregularity within what is otherwise regular makes them stand out for the ear.

By contrast, scanning Alan Brownjohn's 'Incident on a Holiday' reveals that, although he largely eschews a regular foot, he does maintain a five-stress line in the first stanza, and in most of the poem, thus giving the poem something of the irregular rhythms of prose, while the accentual metre simultaneously keeps a form of regularity.

Some poems, such as D J Enright's 'Dreaming in the Shanghai Restaurant', avoid even accentual regularity. Note, though, that this poem about agreeable balance makes a kind of music out of the sentences, often balanced agreeably around a semi-colon, instead of the syllables that scansion measures.

Edwin Morgan's 'Song of the Loch Ness Monster' presents a great challenge to most attempts at scansion.

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The Poetry Archive is the only charity wholly dedicated to the production, acquisition and preservation of recordings of significant poets reading their work aloud.

We care for and preserve these uniquely valuable voices, which might otherwise be lost, so that future generations can continue to enjoy them. We make our own recordings of poets who write in the English language, and poets also donate copies of their own archives to us so we can look after them in the long term. Hearing how a poet speaks their own poems brings us a deeper level of understanding and enjoyment of the work and provides a rich resource for poetry lovers, explorers, teachers and students of all ages. We have a fundamental belief that poetry is for everyone so, as a charity, the funds we raise are used to record new poets and keep sharing these wonderful collections free-of-charge with you.

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The Children's Poetry Archive

The Children's Poetry Archive was designed with the younger, or younger-at-heart, visitor in mind. Poetry doesn't just live in books - it lives in the sounds that words make and we think poetry should be free and fun for children to listen to whenever and wherever they can get online. Our collections of poems read out loud by the poets who wrote them breathes new life into poetry and this site offers some easy new functions to listen, collect and share favourite poems with your

We are grateful to the TS Eliot Foundation for their support for this website.

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