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Accelerate your path to net zero

Uncover the specific drivers of your Scope 3 emissions with the most in-depth Life Cycle Assessment data in the food and consumer goods industries.

Trusted by leading brands across the globe

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designed for decision making

Built by climate experts, Planet FWD uncovers the true drivers of your emissions down to the ingredient or material, supplier or even farm-level. Our software provides the highest integrity measurements, and in-depth Scope 3 and FLAG insights to help you decarbonize.

Top Emissions Drivers statistics example

Get in-depth visibility

Our granular Scope 1, 2, and 3 footprint measurements help you achieve climate goals across your entire business.

Supplier and Farm Level Insights

Discover the impact of changing farming practices such as switching to regenerative ingredients and materials.

Cradle to Grave

Get visibility into a product's full life cycle, from ingredients and materials, to processing, packaging, transport, distribution, consumer use and end of life.

Beyond Carbon

Uncover insights into not only your carbon footprint but also water use, agricultural land use, FLAG emissions, and energy.

Create a reductions road map

Drill down to the ingredient, material and supplier level and explore multiple actionable scenarios to reduce hotspots.

Detailed Scope 3 Reductions

Our Life Cycle Assessment-based Scope 3 accounting measures the actual emissions that contribute to climate change.

Scenario Analysis

Measure the impact of different reduction actions so that you can prioritize highest impact actions first.  

Rapid Measurement

Powered by the deepest dataset in the consumer goods industry, our platform rapidly calculates carbon footprints as well as relevant reductions.

Scenario Planning graph example
Product LCAs emissions and annual emissions results

credibly communicate your impact

Share your progress with customers, investors and the media
with the confidence that your claims have been verified by a trusted team of experts.

Carbon Labeling

Empower consumers to choose your low emissions products and differentiate your products and menu items.

SBTi and CDP Target Setting

Set targets and measure progress to inform credible, data-backed impact and ESG reporting.

Compliance and Impact Reporting

Showcase your company-wide sustainability initiatives backed with credible data.

built by experts

Achieve the speed and accuracy of a software with the credibility of climate experts.


of our team are climate scientists, PhDs and developers


years of research to develop the industry's most in-depth database

Greenhouse Gas Protocol LogoISO logoScience Based Targets LogoTCFD LogoIPCC LogoCDP logo

in-house advisory ensures alignment to the highest global standards

About us link imageAbout us linkJulia Collins CEO of PlanetFWD