Posted by: philosopherouge | November 24, 2007

A Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger Blog-a-Thon

In honour of my favourite filmmaker(s) I’m venturing out to start my first blog-a-thon! From December 16-20th, I’m asking anyone who’s interested to post articles and entries on the two filmmakers (or one of the two), in any shape or form. I’m sure you all know the drill by now, but if I’m leaving anything out or if you have any questions let me know! Sign up now, and when the week comes along, let me know when you’ve posted your related topics. They have such a rich and interesting filmography that I’m sure there will be many interesting topics and films to choose from.

Here are some banners, if you would like any of other sizes let me know and I’ll see what I can do!


  1. I’ve never seen anything by them so it’s a good time as any to start. Sign me up. 🙂

  2. Woot! I hope I have a convert 😀

  3. Any excuse to watch A Matter of Life & Death again! I’m in.

  4. The more the merrier! And A Matter of Life and Death is a divine film, I fully advocate watching it often.

  5. I was thwarted in my attempts to watch their filmography, but now I have Netflix to bring me up to date! I’ll be reading everything you post.

  6. You got Netflix! I’m so happy for you! I’m still working my way through their filmography, just picked up The Small Back Room (1949). Should be interesting. If, for whatever reason, you’re interesting in submitting something I’ll be happy to post it for you 🙂

  7. Oh I am there!!!

  8. Awesome! More love all around!

  9. Damn you (not really)! I was hoping to take a break for a couple of months from any blogathon entries and then you go and do this – a blogathon of Powell/Pressburger. I absolutely ADORE their work and cannot pass up this opportunity.

  10. I have a way of sneaking up on people when they least expect and or want it! Happy to have you on board though 😀

  11. I just found out today what a blog a thon is so count me in!

    Will this only count towards The Archers or will their solo work count as well?

  12. […] of the Red Shoes, don’t forget the Powell and Pressburger Blog-a-thon taking place in December! Tell all your […]

  13. Ramses: Solo work is counted, if you want to do Age of Consent or Edge of the World, or just cover one aspect of either one of their careers, I encourage it!

  14. i ask because of Powell’s Peeping Tom, which is a movie that I am a gigantic fan of.

  15. I’m in! I may only lurk and learn, but I’m in!

  16. Happy to have you on board either way!

  17. I Know Where I’m Going! is one of those few perfect films. There are still plenty of P&P gaps for me to fill though. Hope I can find time to join!

  18. Sounds lovely, count me in.

  19. ‘The Small Back Room’ – an overlooked classic. I’ll be blogging about it at the appointed time.

  20. Looking forward to it, I was lucky enough to see it just last week. A great film, and the more I turn it over in my mind the better it becomes!

  21. I have Life and Death of Colonel Blimp on my DVR, so I guess I’ll be watching that in a couple days.

    Also, this is my first blog-a-thon, so forgive me — I’m new at this.

  22. very interesting, but I don’t agree with you

  23. What are you disagreeing about?

  24. I don’t know, but Idetrorce posted the same thing as a comment on my blog. I thought it was a serious comment, too. But I think I’ll go delete it now.

  25. […] 16 – 22: A Powell and Pressburger Blog-a-thon @ Beyond the Valley of the […]

  26. […] Very Pleasant Distraction As I was writing my contribution to A Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger Blog-a-thon this morning, I decided to check out what was new at The Aspect Ratio since they usually have […]

  27. […] or: What I Love About The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp [This is my contribution to A Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger Blog-a-Thon being hosted at Beyond the Valley of the […]

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