Exclusive: Kushner ‘Extorted Qatar’ With US Foreign Policy

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Separate sources with links to the diplomatic and intelligence communities report that Jared Kushner, son in law of Donald Trump and an adviser to the White House, blackmailed both Qatar and Saudi Arabia after his father in law was elected. Kushner then changed US foreign policy to benefit himself, punishing Qatar and rewarding Saudi Arabia when the former refused the bribe and the latter paid up, these sources said.

According to these sources, Kushner asked both Qatar and Saudi Arabia to invest in his troubled real estate empire. Qatar initially refused; Saudi Arabia agreed.

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Following these meetings, sources said, Mr. Kushner changed US foreign policy in order to benefit himself. The long-standing policy of neutrality between Qatar and Saudi Arabia was altered and Saudi Arabia was permitted to blockade Qatar – despite the United States forward headquarters for CENTCOM being located there.

Donald Trump also tweeted against Qatar and in favor of Saudi Arabia imposing the blockade as Kushner changed US foreign policy to enrich himself.

If these sources are correct, as I reported earlier, this would explain why Jared Kushner has been seen befriending the murderer of Jamal Khashoggi, Mohammed Bin Salman. Bin Salman knows that Kushner extorted him for money, and can threaten to tell the Special Counsel this, keeping Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump, and by extension Donald Trump, at his mercy. However, public reporting suggests the Mueller report is imminent, and these sources said that Mueller’s office is well aware of extortion practiced by Mr. Kushner, and by other members of the Trump family. As we reported earlier:

“Kushner is the administration’s so-called Middle East expert, a job for which Trump granted a basic security clearance after Chief of Staff John Kelly had it downgradedfrom TS/SCI to ‘Secret’.

The White House reviewed the background investigation by the FBI on Kushner and then granted ‘Top Secret’ clearance, which it has the right to do whatever the FBI report says; but the CIA prevented Kushner from regaining the TS/SCI clearance that Kelly effectively stripped from him. The stripping followed accusations that Kushner had given names of MBS opponents taken from the Presidential Daily Briefing to MBS in Saudi Arabia, which resulted in the Prince’s torture purge of his opponents.”

It was revealed this week in the New York Times that General Kelly was overruled by Donald Trump who insisted on granting a security clearance to Jared Kushner despite General Kelly’s actions, and the recommendations of the FBI and the CIA.

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  1. The worst part about this article is that it’s completely believable, both in facts and acts. We can only hope that the guilty parties receive the disgrace, opprobrium and punishment they deserve and the Republic survives.

  2. If it is true that the Mueller report will be released today, it will not come as a surprise that King Stompy-Foot (as Rick “Everything Trump Touches Dies” Wilson calls You-Know-Who) will first say that the report will “totally vindicate” him, and when he realizes that it won’t he’ll then say “NO COLLUSION” or something like that.

  3. The problem with our society is that the law no longer applies to the uber class. Laws are only for keeping the serfs in line. Kushner can do whatever he wants and nothing will ever happen to him. It’s just the way it is. Our government has always been corrupt. Many men through out our history have given voice to that corruption. It’s increble depressing and I have no faith in the American people to do anything about it.

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