Op-Ed: Imagine There’s No Donald: What if the 45th President Were Orrin Hatch?

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Correction: this piece was complete tosh and I can only thank my lucky stars that I put “op-ed” in the title. There is no mechanism to nullify the election of a President who cheated. Luckily, there is a mechanism to impeach him and jail him for it. The “chatter” I spoke of was real chatter, but it was real chatter from patriotic sources who knew of the Russian collusion but who, like me, did not know the law. No Elle Woods smoking jacket for me. 

This piece is an op-ed. It is not a report. It is based on informed speculation and chatter, but it is not a report, so I’ll keep it short. I wouldn’t call it a theory, either. My theoretical pieces have been analysis of the facts as I saw them. The Carolina Conspiracy, and my piece predicting that Jared Kushner was taped in Trump Tower under the FISA warrant on SVB Bank when talking to Gorkov.

In this piece I am going to speculate about something that cannot be proven or even inferred because it has not yet happened and would involve a decision of SCOTUS.

The chatter on this matter, and there is chatter, usually says ‘Roberts’ – I talk to more than one source in more than one area – but I am assuming that is shorthand for SCOTUS – goes like this:

Chief Justice Roberts has a large amount of evidence before him of widespread fraud in the election. That would include monetary fraud and voter fraud. Alfa Bank and Spectrum Health were laundering data hacked from voter registration databases, as I reported (as a fact) for Trump.

The chatter says that in such a scenario, the Supreme Court may invalidate the election of the two men on the ballot: Trump and Pence. Their election would have been invalid. They cheated.

As I previously reported, and reported first, Paul Ryan is on tape admitting that he knows Russian money was laundered into the GOP. My piece predated the Washington Post’s piece on the matter by a week. Sources report there is much more to it than was printed in the short section of tape that reached the mainstream press.

Therefore, since the line of succession would remain – it was after all Donald Trump and Mike Pence who cheated, not the American voters – the next President, and the 45th President of the United States – the successor to Barack Obama – would be Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah.

Of course, such a scenario is a dream for many. No pardon powers, no get out of jail free cards, no spot in the records of America’s commanders in chief. As I have said on Twitter, I sometimes wonder if I will wake up one day and see Bobby Ewing walk out of the shower, so weird is our political life since Trump’s election. I have watched the impeachment of Donald Trump, now in progress, at the House Judiciary Committee, and still had the sinking feeling that even if Trump dies in jail (which his reported dementia will likely prevent), his name would still sully the list of American Presidents. There have been bad presidents before – Carter – and even a crooked one – Nixon – but no actual traitors, who would laugh about the firing of an American patriot to Russians, America’s enemy, in the Oval Office. What I truly wanted, and nobody can fault my patriotic ambitions here, was to wipe the Orange Stain clean off the White House. On this blog I have never used the title “President” in front of the words Donald Trump. I don’t think he deserves it. If SCOTUS were to rip the medals off the necks of Trump and Pence, because of their knowing collusion with fraud and espionage – their election would be invalidated, rather than the election. Or maybe the election would be invalidated. I do not know.

The waters of the Constitution would be uncharted at that point. Senator Hatch began, I report, as a fact, not a theory, to receive the Presidential Daily Briefing on May 9th. Sources report, again as a fact not a theory, that there is enough to impeach Trump, Pence and Ryan several times over. Even if Trump were to be impeached and removed in the normal way envisioned in the Constitution, my sources report that it will still be President Hatch, and sooner rather than later. They do not, for the sake of clarity, insist that it will absolutely be Hatch right away; were Trump to resign today, Pence would be President; even if impeached or his election later invalidated there would not be time to do it all in 24 hours. However, sources believe it is the intent of the FBI and the Justice Department to move so that there is a smooth transition of power from Trump to Hatch. They do not report how; I assume that evidence would be brought against Pence and Ryan, or even to Pence and Ryan, that would persuade them to resign for consideration of how Justice handles sentencing. But I do not report on that. Only that sources are certain that Hatch will be President.

The scenario where Hatch becomes not the 46th, but the 45th, President of the United States, is not reportable as a story. But it is one possible path to justice for America and the world. And on Memorial Day Weekend, when we honor those who have died on our behalf, I think that it is a scenario worth considering.

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