EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Marshals Readying; Plan Approved By Justice Dept Official

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The U.S. Marshals Service presented a plan to a senior Justice Department official yesterday for the service of warrants in the Trump-Russia inquiry, separate sources with links to the intelligence and law enforcement communities report.

The extensive plan was approved yesterday by a senior Justice Department official who is closely involved in prosecuting the case.

Sources say that the extensive plan, multiple pages in length, covered not only the serving of warrants, but logistical arrangements such as the closure of streets, if necessary.

They further report that while timing is uncertain, such plans are normally only presented and approved when arrests are imminent.

Patribotics knows the identity of the senior justice official who approved the plan, and the court in which it was approved. We are redacting that information for now.

More on this story as it develops.


I want to acknowledge the following tweets by Claude Taylor made last night. My sources support his sources (and go further). He has asked me to reproduce them exactly as written.

1. Followers know I’ve tried to avoid an exact timeline as to when to expect arrests. I’m now receiving word that it may be soon. Here’s why

2. In order to avoid any possible misinterpretation, I’m going to give exact word for word quote of what I was told. “Rumor has it the AUSA

3. has signed off on the tactical & logistical plan to take numerous subjects into custody”. That’s it. Word for word.


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