Celebrity News

Oscars keeping accounting firm despite epic screw-up

Someone at the Oscars believes in second chances.

PricewaterhouseCoopers has been retained for the 90th Academy Awards ceremony next year — despite its epic Best Picture flub in February.

Board members with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences decided to keep its longtime accounting firm on the payroll after a six-hour meeting Tuesday night, The Hollywood Reporter reported Wednesday.

PwC has barred from future ceremonies the two accountants who screwed up doling out the envelopes for the Best Picture award.

That led actor Warren Beatty to accidentally announce that the night’s top honors went to “La La Land” — when “Moonlight” was the true winner.

Next year, the Academy will implement safety measures to ensure the embarrassing mistake doesn’t happen again.

A third balloting leader who’ll know the results ahead of time will be seated in the control room to rapidly manage any mistakes and all accountants will have to check their electronic devices before going anywhere near the Oscars stage.