Celebrity News

Ryan Gosling explains his Best Picture gaffe giggle-fit

Ryan Gosling didn’t necessarily think the Oscars’ Best Picture fiasco was funny, but it was certainly a better scenario than what he initially thought was happening.

“What really was happening as I was watching — it was surreal anyway — I was watching people start to have this panicked reaction in the crowd, and guys were coming on with headsets, and I felt like someone had been hurt,” the “La La Land” star said at Adobe Summit on Wednesday.

“I thought there was some kind of medical situation, and I had this worst case scenario playing out in my head,” Gosling, 36, continued. “And then I just heard, ‘Oh ‘Moonlight‘ won,’ and I was so relieved that I started laughing.”

Still, the situation was serious enough for the two PricewaterhouseCoopers accountants in charge of handling the envelopes to get axed, and it may have potentially cost a producer of the show a promotion.

“But truthfully, I was also so thrilled that ‘Moonlight’ won, I know the director,” he said. “I’ve worked with them before. It’s such a ground breaking film, made for a million dollars, and incredible achievement and I’m so happy for them that they were being recognized.”