Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

Linda Fairstein serves up a new mystery

Many crimes ago our DA’s sex and violence expert turned author. Now every year, it’s another Linda Fairstein chiller. The newie’s “Devil’s Bridge.”

Comes now a sideline. Growing up she, me and most little girls read Nancy Drew mysteries. The original sold 200 million copies. In 2016, Linda gives us the new Nancy Drew. New Nancy’s named Devlin Quick. The books will be small, edgy, have attitude, humor and are aspirational for middle school kids.

Linda: “Devlin’s a little moralist sleuth. Her mother is New York City’s first female police commissioner, which is what I always wanted to be. Result is, she gets smart stuff, like a fingerprint kit.”

Nancy Drew was 16. Those books once cost 25 cents. The modern-day Nancy Drew author’s 68. Her new best seller, “Devil’s Bridge,” cost $31.99. About it she says:

“Long ago a lighthouse guided the boats. At the Hudson’s narrowest, a tiny peninsula under the George Washington Bridge sticks into the river. It holds this obsolete lighthouse. Sailing on my honeymoon last year I discovered it.

“I see everything through sinister eyes. Hating car crashes and shootouts, I thought, ‘Mmmm, good place to hide a body.’ From there, working backward took me to the Statue of Liberty. I walked up all 354 steps to the crown. And then pieced together my narrative.

“I always read mystery books. I never use my own cases, except once I called the DA to check a NY Post courtroom story. But crime writers pick my brain and prosecutors call for input since I already know the language.”

Her take on today’s uptick in sex and violence crimes?

“The Internet adds to a lessening of morals. Pedophiles work the Internet. Daily you read of sex, drugs, alcohol. Intimacy is now casual. We need new laws.”

One unknown Fairstein tale. March 1992, she’s the big-time prosecutor who nailed headlined, front-page preppy murderer Robert Chambers — now residing in the can. In the then-Chinese restaurant Fu’s, our waiter whispers to the manager: “Know who’s here tonight? The famous prostitute.”

Won’t be around to deal with it

Barf Obama shoved through that Iran deal (which mankind should really shove up Barf Obama) because he won’t be around to implement things when they turn evil.

He’ll be out, gone, chummy again with his pal whose homilies preached hate to America.

Then it’ll be another guy’s worry.

When he was on vacation, it was the first time our country was in good hands.

B.O.’s lone M.O. is to desperately try and show he’s smarter than a 5-year-old.

Hungry in Hungary

Visiting her mother in Hungary, amid Budapest’s tumult, my friend Lisa Kiss tells me: “This is a poor country. No extra resources or facilities to handle the enormous overflow of migrants flooding its streets. This city can’t take care of them. The country cannot handle them.”

The safety issue? “We’re all right. Being careful. Sticking to certain areas. Not entering other ones. The situation here is sad.

“They’re not all Syrians. Turkey figured a way to issue Syrian passports. They want to reach Germany because in ’89, when the Berlin wall came down, Hungary opened its borders to the East Germans.

“Thousands are on the streets. All around. Teens, young kids roaming. Arriving from all over. The next few weeks another 500,000 or maybe millions will pour in. Food’s being supplied for now — but no place to put them.

“It’s hot here; 90 degrees. They have no facilities. No bathrooms. No places to wash. The air smells.”

Two Republicans: “It’s time for school. Someone, please give the president his crayons.”

Only in the USA, kids, only in the USA.