Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

Vanessa Redgrave rehearsing like crazy for one-night reading

Vanessa Redgrave doing a one-nighter Monday. And rehearsing strenuously like an understudy debuting in summer stock’s “The Iceman Cometh.” But why?

“I’m rehearsing four days and it’s not even enough,” she said.

West Side studio. Two similar ladies — silver-haired, glasses, sweaters, slacks, music stands holding scripts — facing Jimmy Owens on trumpet, Kenny Davis on electric bass.

Vanessa: “Jimmy’s composing music for this.” For what?!

Michele Zackheim: “She read aloud at my ‘Last Train to Paris’ book opening. Now she wanted to do this, and chose the pieces she’ll do.” Like, where?

Vanessa: “The not-autobiographical story’s of growing old, which is another reason for my reading it. Michele’s far from 80. I’m nearer. But it’s painful history. Living in Berlin. Jewish white woman, two children, black husband. And Hitler cracking down.”

Michele: “There’s an offer to do this on TV.”

Vanessa: “But no schlepping on the road.” Doing what?

Jimmy: “Getting the feeling from Vanessa’s words, I’m composing special music. Berlin 1935 is a heavier piece. Paris in ’33 is a lighter sound.”

Vanessa: “I’m doing this Monday. One night only. For the Rattlestick Playwrights group. At the Cherry Lane Theatre.” So why there?

“I worked the Cherry Lane with Jesse Eisenberg in 2013. Loved the play, loved the Rattlesticks and loved the theater.”

When I arrived, they were rehearsing. As we spoke, they were rehearsing. After I left, they were rehearsing.

Koons’ work is so polished

Jeff Koons on his famous “Balloon Dog” sculpture — colored stainless steel — which brought Christie’s world-record $58 million-and-change price: “The idea’s one thing. Executing it is something else. It takes sandpaper and buffing, and I had to devise a round machine. If there’s one tiny blemish or rough spot, it can’t be removed. It’s all in the polishing.”

And what happens if it gets scratched or dented? “Look at it this way: Everything turns to dust.”

Liquid courage

Stephen Daldry, director of Bill Nighy and Carey Mulligan’s “Skylight,” opening April 2 at the Golden: “How am I opening night? Terrified. A martini helps” . . .

Sarah Jessica out front and backstage at “Honeymoon in Vegas” . . .

“Killing Jesus” producer Ridley Scott: “You must anticipate. In one production, I digitally stitched four different beaches together to get a look I wanted” . . .

Bits & Pieces

DiCaprio, who earns $20 mil a picture plus a percentage of profits and popcorn, annexed “Birdman” director Iñárritu for his next . . .

James Caan’s son Scott Caan: “We all have our pride. I’m very proud that, years ago, my first directorial effort, I had my father playing a role and then I edited him out of it” . . .

Ben Stiller window shopping Rock Center’s Tumi store . . .

Please try to pay attention

FYI: Per mentoring specialists: VIPs, CEOs, avoid head of the table at a big conference-table meeting. Pick the middle or miss happenings at the other end . . . Per prom specialists: Check your kids’ drivers. Big long party limos are where underage kids do all their private drinking . . . Per those on spring break: You can get two free SpongeBob SquarePants tickets for every pair you buy. And stand back, because I’m rushing to get first in line.

AD exec: “It’s a great marriage. Last year, his wife gave up sex for Lent — and he didn’t notice it until Thanksgiving.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.