Celebrity News

Leo celebrates Lydia Hearst’s sexy nude photoshoot

Leo DiCaprio was spotted at a $35.5 million Bel Air estate serving as the Oscar villa for racy Treats! magazine over the weekend.

The bash was for Lydia Hearst’s cover profile and nude shoot. Hollywood scions Scott Eastwood and Dylan Penn circulated with Kevin Hart, Ryan Seacrest and agent David Todd.

Spies said that a group of “leggy models quickly ran over to greet” DiCaprio when he arrived. Seacrest had dinner with three pals, then left and came back aftermidnight. Michelle Rodriguez and Randy Jackson were also spotted at the party hosted by OMNIA and Absolut Elyx, along with Hearst’s Nerdist boyfriend, Chris Hardwick.

Hearst recalls in the mag of being on sets with her mom, Patty: “I was on the set of a lot of John Waters films… so meeting Johnny Depp when I was 4 years old or having Ricki Lake babysit me was also part of my childhood. But my parents sheltered me from the spotlight, so certainly everything ‘felt’ normal.”

Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez were also seen at the villa over the weekend, arriving in a vintage Aston Martin.

See more of Lydia Hearst’s steamy Treats! shoot:

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Lydia Hearst in Treats! magazineTony Duran
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