Celebrity News

John Travolta pokes fun at last year’s Idina Menzel flub

It’s pay back time.

John Travolta, who infamously flubbed Idina Menzel‘s name at last year’s Oscars as “Adele Dazeem,” joined Menzel on stage Sunday night to poke fun at himself.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” said Menzel, after being introduced by host Neil Patrick Harris. “Please welcome to the stage, my very dear friend, Glong Gazingo!”

Travolta walked out, tail between his legs, and said, “I deserve that. I deserve that.”

Then, in a new meme-ready moment, he began to caress Menzel’s chin, saying, “But you, you my darling, my beautiful, my wickedly talented Idina Menzel!”

John Travolta, who infamously flubbed Idina Menzel’s name at last year’s Oscars as “Adele Dazeem” joined Menzel on stage Sunday night to poke fun at himself.Reuters

“You got it!” Menzel said, confirming his pronunciation before adding, “It’s not like it’s going to follow me around for the rest of my life or anything.”

“I know,” Travolta quipped. “Tell me about it.”

But Menzel got one more ribbing in. As Travolta announced, “The nominees for best original song are …”

Menzel cut in: “You want me to do it?”