BiblioHack Meet-up

I’ve been quiet on this blog lately, but it’s in the same way a duck looks still when swimming: things may look peaceful but there is much activity going on beneath the surface! The Open Biblio crowd have been busy on the discussion List (link to follow) and the BiblioHack organisers have been preparing for this week’s events, which kicked off with a Meet-up last night.

The pre-BiblioHack Meet-up was designed to be an informal opportunity for those involved in the events to put names to faces and start up discussions; it was also open to anyone who wanted to come along to find out more about open data and the OKFN’s Working Groups including Open GLAM, and projects such as DM2E as well as Open Biblio.

With no formal agenda, we started up conversations as the mood took us – this covered legalities of openness in relation to IP, licensing and open access, annotation, cat-sitting and the Blues. In a nod to the more ‘usual’ OKFN #OpenData meet-ups, we went around the room to introduce ourselves (trying to explain our interests in only 3 words was challenging…) which prompted some people to cross the room in a purposeful fashion to intercept someone they hadn’t spoken to by that point. I really enjoyed meeting the people with whom I’d be spending the next two days, so thanks to all those who came along, for their interesting ideas and suggestions, and huge thanks to Sam Leon for arranging the tasty food and drinks at C4CC and for facilitating the evening.

Profile photo of Naomi Lillie

About Naomi Lillie

Naomi has been working for Open Knowledge since 2011 and is based in the UK. She supports operations, projects, staff and the community network.
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One Response to BiblioHack Meet-up

  1. Pingback: Final report: JISC Open Bibliography 2 |

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