Steve Serby

Steve Serby


The blame we have to take for NFL’s personality crisis

We’re to blame too.

We’re the ones who enabled these NFL dirtbags who couldn’t help but feel  they were Above the Law – Roger Goodell’s law, everybody’s law.

We’re the ones who never stopped buying Ray Rice jerseys and Greg Hardy jerseys and Ray McDonald jerseys  because all we cared about was our team winning a football game, or our fantasy team winning one.

We’re the suckers who pay for these obscene ticket prices.

We’re the one’s who have pampered these misfits from the time they were in Pop Warner to the time they became millionaires.

We’re the ones who failed to properly educate them on right from wrong.

We’re the ones who looked the other way and failed to  discipline them because we’d sooner have their autograph and wristband.

We’re the ones who made them feel like heroes when the real heroes are protecting our freedom and fighting crime and fires and trying to save lives and care for the weak and the elderly and teach those who want to learn.

We’re the ones who helped give the NFL Commissioner and team owners the conviction that domestic violence was a relatively trivial matter that didn’t need to interfere with Any Given Sunday.

We’re the ones who put these miscreants – – and this league – – on a pedestal.

“The climate has changed,” Panthers coach Ron Rivera said after deactivating Hardy, a convicted domestic violence scoundrel.

Sad that it took a video to change it. Better late than never. Now we find out how the collision between climate change and the obsession with winning football games impacts the careers of those who have been exposed as bums. Rice was released by the Ravens. Adrian Peterson is a bigger star. Child abuse warrants a zero tolerance policy every bit as much as wife-beating does. There is no video of Peterson.  As if we need one.