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Last Updated: Wednesday, 2 November 2005, 10:26 GMT
Go Digital: Your digital world
This week:
In this the final edition of Go Digital we discuss the progress of the UN's plan to connect every village in the world to the internet by 2015. As a counterpoint we speak to someone who thinks the expansion of digital technology should all be left in the hands of the free market. And we introduce our new programme Digital Planet, which you'll be able to hear on the BBC World Service from next Tuesday and download to your MP3 player in the same way as this one.

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Please note: Go Digital has been reborn as Digital Planet. To find out more about the programme

Welcome to Go Digital, the weekly BBC World Service programme that looks at how technology is changing our lives.

Each week we explore the world of digital technology in all its forms.

Gareth Mitchell in the studio
Gareth Mitchell is the never-ageing face of Go Digital. Starting out as a broadcast engineer, he traded climbing TV transmitter masts for science and technology journalism about 10 years ago. His favourite gadgets include his digital radio, digital camera and ancient Psion personal organiser

Almost every country on the planet has the internet and the mobile phone. The world is truly switched on to the digital age.

But what does it all mean, what benefits can such technology provide, and who's in control? Tune in to Go Digital to hear the answers.

Each week we will be speaking to leading figures in the computer industry.

We tap into the BBC's network of reporters around the world to bring us the technology stories making the news where you are, changing the world around you.

Go Digital will be available to as a podcast every Monday shortly after the programme is recorded at 1500 GMT / 1600 BST.

It is also broadcast on the BBC World Service radio on Tuesday throughout the day.

Get in touch with us

If you have any thoughts on this week's show or anything else in the digital world that has caught your attention, let us know.

You can send us a text message on +44 7786 202006. Or e-mail using this form:

Disclaimer: The BBC may edit your comments and cannot guarantee that all emails will be published.

Go Digital 2005 archive
11 Jan 05 |  Technology
Go Digital 2004 archive
09 Jan 04 |  Technology
Go Digital 2003 archive
19 Feb 03 |  Technology
Go Digital 2002 archive
02 Jan 03 |  Technology
Go Digital 2001 archive
28 Jan 02 |  Technology

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