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Last Updated: Monday, 27 February 2006, 19:11 GMT
Straw's warning to Russian tycoon
Boris Berezovsky
Berezovsky was granted political asylum in the UK in 2003
Jack Straw has warned a Russian tycoon that his refugee status could be reviewed after he reportedly said he was planning a coup in Russia.

London-based Boris Berezovsky, 59, was granted asylum three years ago and has a fortune estimated at �800m.

He told a Russian radio station in January he wanted to replace what he called the "anti-constitutional regime" of President Vladimir Putin.

The foreign secretary condemned his remarks in a written Commons statement.

Russia - 'a valued partner'

Mr Straw said the government would "take action against those who use the UK as a base from which to foment violent disorder or terrorism in other countries".

"Advocating the violent overthrow of a sovereign state is unacceptable and we condemn these comments unreservedly," he said.

Those granted asylum in the United Kingdom have duties to the UK which require, in particular, that they conform to its laws and regulations
Jack Straw

"The UK Government respects Russia's constitutional arrangements and the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.

"We enjoy a close working relationship with Russia, as a valued partner of the UK."

Mr Straw said Mr Berezovsky, who is wanted in Russia for fraud and tax evasion, had not entered the UK on the government's invitation.

"Those granted asylum in the United Kingdom have duties to the UK which require, in particular, that they conform to its laws and regulations," said Mr Straw.

"They are advised that their refugee status can be reviewed at any time where it is considered their presence is not conducive to the public good."

Former computer scientist Mr Berezovsky sold the Sibneft oil giant in 1997 for �1bn and was ranked 50th in the Sunday Times Rich List last year.

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