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Last Updated: Friday, 17 August 2007, 12:17 GMT 13:17 UK
The polonium trail: Key locations
The trail of radioactive contamination following the murder of former Russian agent Alexander Litvinenko in November 2006 has taken detectives all over London, as well as to locations in Hamburg and Moscow.

Here are the key sites that have formed the major part of the investigation, where radioactive substances have been found.

Composite map showing key locations in Litvinenko murder investigation
University College Hospital: Where Mr Litvinenko died on 23 November - cleared for public use
1 Cavendish Place: Remediation work completed - cleared for public use
25 and 58 Grosvenor Street: 25 - cleared for public use, 58 - cleared for public use
Best Western Hotel: Rooms isolated for remediation work - cleared for public use
Millennium Hotel: Where Mr Litvinenko met associates shortly before he became ill - cleared after work
Pescatori restaurant: Cleared for public use
Itsu sushi bar: Where Mr Litvinenko dined - remediation work completed - cleared
7 Down Street: Part of office isolated - cleared for public use
Sheraton Park Lane Hotel: One room cleared after remediation work; other awaiting formal clearance
Parkes Hotel: Remediation work carried out - cleared for public use
Hey Jo/Abracadabra: Contamination found on cushions and seating at this lap-dancing bar - cleared
Dar Marrakesh restaurant: Contaminated shisha pipe handle and cushion cover removed - cleared
Barnet Hospital: Where Mr Litvinenko was first taken after being taken ill - cleared for public use
140 Osier Crescent: Litvinenko's home - sealed off for contamination survey and subsequently cleared
Litvinenko's Mercedes car: High levels of contamination found and reduced to safe levels
Emirates Stadium: Arsenal ground visited by ex-KGB man who stayed at Millennium Hotel - cleared
Royal London Hospital: Scene of Mr Litvinenko's post-mortem examination - cleared for public use
Other locations:
Ashdown Park Hotel, E Sussex: Where an associate is thought to have stayed - cleared for public use
Heathrow airport: Traces of radioactive material found on three aircraft; given all-clear in Dec 2006
Lambeth - Mercedes taxi: Bag of waste removed and taxi cleaned - declared safe
Moscow: Traces on a Finnish plane and at British Embassy - since cleared
Hamburg: Flat of the ex-wife of Litvinenko contact Dmitry Kovtun and his mother-in-law's home
*Remediation work involves sealing or removing contaminated material, reducing activity to "safe" levels.
Source: HPA/Westminster City Council/Haringey Council/CAA/BA

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