Researchers found when women begin to cheat on her husband


Ученые выяснили, когда женщины начинают изменять мужьямIn most cases the infidelity of the women is pushing the love of his wife

Women change their husbands in an effort to save the marriage. It found scientists at the University of Missouri.

A study conducted by Professor Alicia Walker, who along with colleagues throughout the year interviewed unfaithful wives and published the results of his research in the new book The Secret Lives of Cheating Wives.

In the study by Walker participated women aged 24 to 65 years who cheated on their husbands and were active the Dating site Ashley Madison to find a partner for adultery. The survey showed that in most cases the infidelity of the women is pushing the love for our spouse and the desire to avoid divorce by satisfying their sexual needs.

“More than half of women I interviewed admitted that their relationship with husband not enough sex or they do not experience orgasm, resulting in looking for passion “on the side”. I also found out that the majority of unfaithful wives want to divorce their husbands and claim to love them,” said Walker.

The study’s author also added that this discovery became for her a complete surprise.

“For them it was not a spontaneous decision. They were in search of the orgasm, not a partner for life. They have changed to save, not destroy your marriage. Thus, we can say that all these women wanted to meet only their physical needs and to get what they can’t give their wives”, she concluded.

In addition, women who participated in the study expressed the view that after the betrayal they have become better wives and mothers than to infidelity. They were also convinced that cheating has allowed them to protect and preserve their marriage.