Medicare Statistics

Medicare Locals Statistics Reports

About Medicare Locals Statistics Reports

  • These reports produce MBS, PBS and PIP statistical data for specified Medicare Local geographic areas.
  • To obtain the statistics, choose from the drop-down menus in each field on the form. You can jump in the drop-down list by keying the first letter of the area. Then click the 'Create Report' button to submit your request.
  • Your report may take up to two minutes to be created and displayed, depending on the workload of the server and the volume of traffic on the Internet.
  • Please note that the MBS, PBS and PIP statistics are only available from Quarter 3, 2011 as this was the first quarter Medicare Locals became operational.
  • Periodically the data in the Medicare Locals tables are reviewed. The most recent update was posted to the website on 25 October 2013. If you have extracted data from the Medicare Locals tables before this date you may need to re-extract the data to ensure your data reflects these changes.

Printing and Downloading the Reports


The information and data contained in the reports and tables have been provided by Services Australia for general information purposes only. While Services Australia takes care in the compilation and provision of the information and data, it does not assume or accept any liability for the accuracy, quality, suitability and currency of the information or data, or for any reliance on the information or data. Services Australia recommends that users exercise their own care, skill and diligence with respect to the use and interpretation of the information and data.

Last updated: 26 August 2016

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