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Rep. McClintock Remarks in Support of the Israel Security Assistance Support Act

May 16, 2024

Washington, D.C. – Today, during House floor debate on H.R. 8369 the Israel Security Assistance Support Act, Congressman McClintock delivered the attached remarks in support of the measure.

Mr. Speaker:

On December 8, 1941, Franklin Roosevelt stood in this very hall and asked for a Declaration of War against the government that attacked our fleet the day before at Pearl Harbor and he solemnly pledged to win through to “absolute victory.”

On October 7th, Hamas targeted and butchered innocent and unarmed women and children.  Israel not only has a right to defeat Hamas – it has a moral duty to do so.  The killing on both sides can only end with the unconditional surrender of Hamas.  The sooner that day comes, the better for all humanity.

To hasten that day, the President requested, and the Congress provided the precision bombs and other munitions that Israel needs to quickly bring this war to an end while minimizing civilian casualties.  And now, that same president is withholding that aid while sending billions of dollars of supplies into Gaza before Hamas has surrendered.  This act is treacherous, and it must not stand.  This measure says so.

Issues:Foreign Affairs - International