Research Data Services

We Help People Use Data!

We can help you analyze, map, visualize, and manage data. We can guide you to create compelling projects for your courses and research. We work with Northeastern faculty, staff, and students at all levels of experience and in any location.

We provide:

  • Consultations with specialists online or in person
  • Visits to classes, student or research groups, guest lectures, and workshops 
  • Online tutorials and resources

Learn more about us or contact  [email protected].

Data Management Infographic

Data Management

Support for creating data management and sharing plans (DMPs/DMSPs), and for sharing data 

(e.g. DMPTool, DRS)

Data Visualization Infographic

Data Visualization

Support for creating compelling data visualizations

(e.g.Tableau, D3.js, Adobe)

GIS & Geospatial Analysis Infographic

GIS & Geospatial Analysis

Support for GIS, geospatial analysis, and digital mapping 

(e.g.ESRI, QGIS, SimplyAnalytics)

Data Analysis Infographic

Data Analysis

Support for data analysis and data science tools 

(e.g. Python, R, Excel)

Text & Data Mining Library Databases Infographic

Text & Data Mining Library Databases

Support for text and data mining 

(e.g. Constellate, ProQuest TDM Studio)